
Wednesday, October 9, 2019

How is subjectivity (race, class & gender) constructed and put to use Essay

How is subjectivity (race, class & gender) constructed and put to use through Fiesta Explain using specific examples from Horton as well as Gathering Up - Essay Example Subjectivity is a social mode that comes about through many interactions within society. It is a process of individualization as well as of socialization as the individual is never isolated; rather they are endlessly engaging in interactions with the world. It is shaped by and shapes other things such as the economy and even communities. A common effect on an individual is whereby they experience culture shock, where subjectivity of the other culture is considered alien or hostile. Because society is based on group interactions, common meanings allow for common frames that they can refer to when communicating a given subject (Horton, 2010). They are derived from each person understanding their subjective experiences and providing many aspects of meaning. Since 1712, the residents of Santa Fe have remembered how they were ousted in the Pueblo Revolt but managed to make their way back. The settlers reestablished themselves and went back to their roots. Today, La Fiesta de Santa Fe is considered one of the oldest celebrations in the nation. Its roots date back to when a general negotiated with the Indians who occupied Santa Fe to allow Spanish settlers to return. He, being a religious man prayed by a small statute of Virgin Mary and promised that if the settlers were allowed back, they would never forget her intercession. For a while, the promise was not kept up until a Lieutenant Governor intervened. The Santa Fe Fiesta, Reinvented gives a new perspective to the controversial identity formation of the Mexico’s Hispanos. The book carefully gives attention to the symbolic action of the event and explores gender, time, genealogy and sexuality which are the basis of the cultural nationalism. As the Hispanos were largely minoritized in the Santa Fe, their elites continued to invent and re-create the foru cultural organizations that

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