
Thursday, October 17, 2019

Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 20

Accounting - Essay Example I can still remember one time when my family and I had an impending ethical decision to make. The memory is still so vivid in my mind because if felt just like yesterday. My father had handed in his resignation at work because he had found a higher paying job. On his last day of work, my mother, my siblings, and I all went into attend his farewell party. He was working as a security guard there and, as such, he was in charge of locking the place up each night. Once everyone had already left, my father had to lock the place up. It was also the case that he also knew the key combination to the safe. Since he was the last one to leave, and he was never coming back to this job, he could legitimately get away with stealing money from the safe. We discussed amongst ourselves whether anyone would notice if some of the money went missing. My brother argued that we wouldn’t be doing anything wrong because the business was already involved in illegal business practices anyway. However, I spoke up and said that if we did this, it would stain my father’s reputation. He had built up a good work rapport over the years and it would be a shame to see this all go to waste over an insignificant sum of cash. I learnt from this experience that making unethical decisions do not pay off in the long run. As I have been growing up, I have made sure to think with an ethical mindset in every situation. In the business world, my personal ethics will thrive because I always think about all the people that may be affected by my decisions. My ethical upbringing has encouraged me to always seek the truth. This may mean being a whistleblower and calling out a fellow employee, but this is something that I feel strongly about. In my future business career, I will make it clear at the interview stage that I am unwilling to perform any action that would be considered unethical. They can be a grey area when it comes to ethical decisions. However, for me, there are no grey areas; if I have to

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