Friday, May 31, 2019
Integrating Technology in Education Essay -- School Education Technolo
Integrating Technology in tuitionEducational technologies are beingness utilized in every facet of school education. Increasingly, instructors are asking students to access information from technological sources. Methods of instruction must(prenominal) convert in value to keep up with the ever-changing world and we, as teachers must cease the technological movement. There are many factors and activities that send packing help teachers develop an lieu that is intrepid in the use of technology, encourages them to take risks, and inspires them to involve technology in the classroom environment. In the technological society of today, is it thinkable that the integration of computers will change the traditional methods of the classroom? Will the introduction of computers as a learning tool better prepare our students for their future and make up student achievement? How does overlord development play in this technological movement?Literature in this review will investigate these questions and teaching practices that whitethorn lead to better student achievement. Several themes and definitions are prevalent in the current articles I reviewed. These themes explore the thinking that technology integration may hit the learning environment, student roles, teacher roles, and staff development. Before I jump into these issues, a technological plan must be in place. Districts must picture a sound foundation (Barnett, 2001). In order for technology to impact student learning, the technology plan must ensure the appropriate resources are in place to support and bind networks and equipment. Teacher training, technical support, and maintenance are key resources ... ...Technology professional development Successful strategies for teacher change. (Report no(prenominal) EDD00131). Washington D.C. make up of Education Sciences. (ERIC record facsimile Service No. Ed 477 616)Blume, J Garcia, K Mullinax, K Vogel, K. (2001). Integrating math and science with technology. ERIC Clearinghouse on Information Technology. Syracuse, NY. (Eric Document Reproduction Service No. ED454088)Burdette, K., McGraw T. & Ross, J. (2001). Toward an effective use of technology in education. A summary of research. (p.3) Charleston, WV AELKelley, L & Ringstaff C. (2002). The learning return on our educational investment. A review of findings from research. WestED RTEC, San Francisco, CAThorpe, R. (1999, October 20). clear computers change the system? Education Week. Retrieved April 17, 2006, from http// Integrating Technology in Education Essay -- School Education TechnoloIntegrating Technology in EducationEducational technologies are being utilized in every facet of school education. Increasingly, teachers are asking students to access information from technological sources. Methods of instruction must change in order to keep up with the ever-changing world and we, as teachers must cease the technological movement. There are many factors and activities that can help teachers develop an attitude that is intrepid in the use of technology, encourages them to take risks, and inspires them to involve technology in the classroom environment. In the technological society of today, is it possible that the integration of computers will change the traditional methods of the classroom? Will the introduction of computers as a learning tool better prepare our students for their future and increase student achievement? How does professional development play in this technological movement?Literature in this review will investigate these questions and teaching practices that may lead to better student achievement. Several themes and definitions are prevalent in the current articles I reviewed. These themes explore the thinking that technology integration may affect the learning environment, student roles, tea cher roles, and staff development. Before I jump into these issues, a technological plan must be in place. Districts must ensure a sound infrastructure (Barnett, 2001). In order for technology to impact student learning, the technology plan must ensure the appropriate resources are in place to support and maintain networks and equipment. Teacher training, technical support, and maintenance are key resources ... ...Technology professional development Successful strategies for teacher change. (Report No. EDD00131). Washington D.C. Institute of Education Sciences. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. Ed 477616)Blume, J Garcia, K Mullinax, K Vogel, K. (2001). Integrating math and science with technology. ERIC Clearinghouse on Information Technology. Syracuse, NY. (Eric Document Reproduction Service No. ED454088)Burdette, K., McGraw T. & Ross, J. (2001). Toward an effective use of technolog y in education. A summary of research. (p.3) Charleston, WV AELKelley, L & Ringstaff C. (2002). The learning return on our educational investment. A review of findings from research. WestED RTEC, San Francisco, CAThorpe, R. (1999, October 20). Can computers change the system? Education Week. Retrieved April 17, 2006, from http//
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Comparing Flatland and Little House on the Prairie Essay -- Comparison
Flatland and Little House on the Prairie Simplicity clashes with stress. Living with the bare necessities, the working class families keep themselves happy. The husband works while the wife cooks the meals and takes care of the children. No desire for excessive amounts of m oney exists, just a desire for a strong bond within the family. Upper-class families or families striving for success invite stress into their lives. Too much stress from greedy desires of power creates focus in homes. The higher people c limb up participations ladder, the more likely their families are to fall apart. Flatland, by Edwin Abbott, presents the two dimensional world as a society with mostly working class families. A. Square, the narrator, enlightene d by a three dimensional experience longs to tell of the new knowledge revealed to him. Having no desire to learn of this foreign land called Spaceland, the citizens of Flatland require A Square locked up. From past experiences, peo ple in Flatland know that new ideas cause turmoil amongst themselves. Focusing on having the basics for survival and a strong love within the family produces a peaceful and less stressful environment. The lngles family from Little House on the Prairie, a habitual television series, demonstrates the working class. Mr. Ingles works while Mrs. Ingles takes care of the household duties. The family displays a genuin e happiness. They have no modern utilities, but they have each other. They have a strong love within their family, and worldly materials serve little importance to them. A typical family today displays tremendous difference s compared to the Ingles family. greedily and competitiveness play a major part in showing these varia... ...understandable why the people of Flatland do not have an interest in knowing about Spaceland. They want to keep their lives as they have them. Why did society not reject change? This possibly cannot be answered. Flatlan d citizens intelligently chose the right turn. emersion in knowledge no doubt brings great new opportunities, but the consequences are not worth it. Who knew that by trying to improve a familys post in society would lead to the destruction of a household? Greed starts off ugly and only gets uglier. The problem with society succeeding belongs to the fact that society does not know when to stop. There are some families that have kept love as the center of their household. These families provide a hope that this cycle of selfish, self-gaining, individuals exit eventually return to the days of Little House on the Prairie.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
The Unexamined Life Is Not Worth Living Essay examples -- essays resea
Socrates was considered by many to be the wisest man in ancient Greece. small-arm he was eventually condemned for his wisdom, his spoken words are politic listened to and followed today. When, during his trial, Socrates stated that, the un understandd life is non worth living (Plato 45), people began to question his theory. They began to wonder what Socrates meant with his statement, wherefore he would feel that a life would non be worth living. To them, life was above all else, and choosing to give up life would be expose of the picture. They did not understand how one would choose not to live life just because he would be otiose to examine it. Socrates matt-up that if he was unable to examine life, he would not be really living. To Socrates, living meant being able to question the world around him. Examining life gives one freedom. Once one examines himself and understands who he is, he can take control of his life. Socrates believed that the ability to ask, to examine, an d to understand would make a life whole. He believed that the purpose of life was to grow, both physically and spiritually. Being able to explore and understand would lead to a deeper savvy of the world around us as well as a deeper understanding of ourselves. (Plato 46)Socrates felt that, above all, one should be a good citizen and always do the right thing (Plato 18). However, many in his time did not care about doing what was correct. Socrates effected this, and understood that they did not care to look into their actions and beliefs. Their first thoughts were on the goals that they had, such as money and pleasure, rather than the thought of whether or not the goals they held were actually what should have been considered important and right (Plato 26). Socrates knew that, unless they took the time to question their lifestyles, they would never do the right thing. By living a life that was being examined, the citizens would be living a life that was, for the most part, also ri ght. Socrates believed that a life that was not right was not worth living, which is why he also felt as though an unexamined life would also be not worth living. When Socrates was brought to trial for the corruption of the citys youth he knew he had do nothing wrong. He had lived his life as it should be lead, and did what he ne... ... when he is discussing the unexamined life. When Socrates mentions the oracle, he is explaining how one can believe he knows all but still can question life. Although he believes that a smarter man will not be found, Socrates still questions and examines the life he leads. This is the basic concept of philosophy, to try to examine and understand what is going on in life. Socrates understands that without this questioning, there would be no philosophy or a worthwhile life. (Plato 25)Socrates was a wise man who realized that life was not something that could be easily understood. He knew that questioning life would lead to a stronger conception of lif e and reality. When he stated that the unexamined life is not worth living (Plato 45), he truly meant that without questioning life, one would not be truly living. Actions would have no understanding of being right or wrong. For Socrates, a man who believed that life should be based on what was right, there would be no greater wrongdoing. Works CitedPlato. Apology. Indianapolis Bobbs-Merrill Educational, 1977.
elderly abuse :: essays research papers
?The National Elder insult Incidence Study?Executive Summary?Introduction and BackgroundAmericas burgeoning elder population has bear upon every segment of the social, political, and economic landscape. Public debate of the issues surrounding the special needs of the slightly 44 million persons in this country age 60 eld and over has heightened national awargonness and concern. As a result, public policies relating to issues such as retirement security, affordable long-term care, and quality of life are changing to meet the unique needs of the aging population. Yet, as the public looks toward improving the lives of the elderly, abomination and neglect of elders living in their own homes concord foregone largely unidentified and unnoticed. The National Elder Abuse Incidence Study has shed new light on this significant problem with the finding that approximately 450,000 elderly persons in domestic settings were ridiculed and/or neglected during 1996. When elderly persons who e xperienced self-neglect are added, the number increases to approximately 551,000 in 1996. Additionally, through this study we have learned that Female elders are abused at a higher rate than males, after accounting for their larger proportion in the aging population. Our oldest elders (80 years and over) are abused and neglected at two to three times their proportion of the elderly population. In almost 90 percent of the elder abuse and neglect incidents with a cognise perpetrator, the perpetrator is a family member, and two-thirds of the perpetrators are adult children or spouses. Victims of self-neglect are usually depressed, confused, or extremely frail. The National Elder Abuse Incidence Study (NEAIS) was conducted by the National Center on Elder Abuse at the American Public Human Services Association (formally known as the American Public Welfare Association) and the Maryland-ba sed social science and survey research firm, Westat. The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) and the Administration on Aging (AoA) in the U.S. Department of health and Human Services jointly funded this research. The study asked the fundamental question What is the incidence of domestic elder abuse and neglect in the United States today? In public health and social research, the term "incidence" means the number of new cases occurring over a specific time period. The NEAIS used a uncompromising methodology to collect national incidence data on what has been a largely undocumented phenomenon, and it provides the basis to estimate the incidence of domestic elder abuse and neglect among those aged 60 and above in 1996.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Raising the Minimum Wage for the Lower Class Is Actually Good for the E
Do a search online about raising the minimum wage and you will see any number of articles, and essays detailing why it shouldnt be done. As detailed or as long winded as these articles are, they all have one central argument, and that is if we raise the wages of the let down class, than the providers of goods and services will have to raise their prices, which in turn makes everything go up. To this I say bah humbug. It is asinine to think that a company such as Wal-mart whose CEO makes an annual salary of $20.7 million would have to raise prices along with employee salaries in order to make any substantial profit margin. This is simply non true, especially when you consider that the average Wal-mart employee only makes close to $9.00 an hour, and its not just Wal-mart, but other consumer based companies, such as Target, and TJ MAXX. The CEOs of these companies make ludicrously high salaries while not even paying their workforce enough to live on. The question is why. The reason is simple. Its greed. The oftentimes a CEO makes the more they want to make. The economy is no longer about providing a good or service for the population at large, but about amassing as much wealth as possible, and youre stupid if you think you have the same opportunities to obtain wealth as those Wal-mart and Target CEOs. The truth is the deck is stacked against you, and it keeps getting worse as the world moves along its orbit. The economy has become based largely on the trading and selling of commodities, and the actor has become a squalid disposable commodity, to be used up by megalomaniacs who sit atop cash mountains, casting down crumbs as they see fit. The collective bargaining rights of the worker are disappearing at alarming rates. Data from the... ...some sort of nanny state to make everyone dependent upon the Socialist government. The hard truth is the majority of throng on these programs work full-time jobs, and arent the only ones in their households doing so. To reiterate the point being made a higher wage means less(prenominal) sight on welfare, and it frees up tax money that could be used for other things, or it could go back into the pockets of the American worker. Many would read this and herald me a Socialist, and if offering an argument in favor of the rights of workers makes me a Socialist then so be it.The blogs and articles and essays, some written by economists with advanced degrees, people academically more capable than I am, will continue to deride the raising of wages for the low class worker, or the need for regulation to be put in place. Im just stating that theyre wrong, and that this essay proves it.
Raising the Minimum Wage for the Lower Class Is Actually Good for the E
Do a search online about raising the minimum wage and you will make any count of articles, and essays detailing why it shouldnt be done. As detailed or as long winded as these articles are, they all have one fundamental argument, and that is if we raise the wages of the lower class, than the providers of goods and services will have to raise their prices, which in turn makes everything go up. To this I say bah humbug. It is asinine to think that a company such(prenominal) as Wal-mart whose CEO makes an annual salary of $20.7 million would have to raise prices along with employee salaries in order to make any comforting profit margin. This is simply not true, especially when you consider that the average Wal-mart employee only makes close to $9.00 an hour, and its not just Wal-mart, only other consumer based companies, such as Target, and TJ MAXX. The CEOs of these companies make ridiculously high salaries while not even paying their workforce enough to live on. The question is w hy. The reason is simple. Its greed. The more(prenominal) a CEO makes the more they want to make. The economy is no longer about providing a good or service for the population at large, but about amassing as much wealth as possible, and youre stupid if you think you have the same opportunities to obtain wealth as those Wal-mart and Target CEOs. The fair play is the deck is stacked against you, and it keeps getting worse as the world moves along its orbit. The economy has become based largely on the trading and selling of commodities, and the proletarian has become a cheap disposable commodity, to be used up by megalomaniacs who sit atop cash mountains, casting down crumbs as they see fit. The collective bargaining rights of the worker are disappearing at alarming rates. Data from the... ...some sort of nanny state to make everyone dependent upon the Socialist government. The severe truth is the majority of people on these programs work full-time jobs, and arent the only ones in their households doing so. To reiterate the point being made a higher(prenominal) wage means less people on welfare, and it frees up tax money that could be used for other things, or it could go back into the pockets of the American worker. Many would read this and call me a Socialist, and if offering an argument in favor of the rights of workers makes me a Socialist then so be it.The blogs and articles and essays, some indite by economists with advanced degrees, people academically more capable than I am, will continue to deride the raising of wages for the low class worker, or the need for regulation to be put in place. Im just stating that theyre wrong, and that this essay proves it.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Should Animals Used Lab Research Health And Social Care Essay
Peoples all over the universe have different ideas on utilizing extol existences for inquiry laboratory explore. Most of stimulate being rightfulnesss groups believe that existing being should non be spendd in lab interrogation because they ar ethically incorrect, and painful to the sentient beings. They besides introduce that most lascivious explore find health check bushel really abuse the restore beings in lab investigate. explore studies have shown that there are more than 20 million extol beings experimented yearly in lab research to acquire better medical specialty for people ( Andre & A Valesque, n.d. ) . mass of vile right groups prefer that research doers use alternate research method for their lab research, because there are many an(prenominal) ethical introducements against the fashion thrill beings in lab research ( American Anti-Vivisection Society, 2010 ) .On the new(prenominal) manus, due to many new types of human disease today, big sum of revolutionize being allow for be used in lab research to happen suited vaccinums and remedy ( wight Research, 2009 ) . Animal proving continues because this is the best manner to prove medical merchandises to understand the basic physiologic mechanisms and the best manner to cover with certain disease. Other ground swinish research to go on is because the usage of animate beings has made major split to the apprehension, intervention, and bar for homo and animate being diseases ( Quimby, 1998 ) . Furthermore, in many instances, animate beings are vulnerable to hold the same diseases that discover worlds because most animate beings have variety meats and organic structure system a care to worlds and other animate beings ( AALAS, 2010 ) . This is why animate beings are preferred to be used in lab research instead than other alternate methods. Although there are many insensible right groups claiming that utilizing animate beings in lab research is barbarous, it is undeniable t hat carnal research is needed to salvage the homo and carnal life.First, most carnal right groups claim that animate being s life are non valued in lab research, because about all the animate beings used for lab research will decease when their experiments are over. It is dead on target that big sum of animate beings are used in lab research, save this does non intend that all of the animate beings will decease. A study of U.S. discussion section of Agriculture s twelvemonth 2009 shows that a sum of 1,131,076 experiment animate beings were purchased for lab research. From the full 1,131,076 animate beings purchased, study shows that 151,457 animate beings were non used, 548,755 animate beings were used with no hurt and no drug, 76,001 animate beings were used with hurting but no drugs and 354,863 animate beings were used with hurting and with drugs ( USDA, 2009 ) . Traveling to the extent, merely nigh animate beings mogul decease. This is because, from the same study, it revea led that 38 % of animate beings suffer in hurting therefore there should be less than 38 % of animate beings will be deceasing ( USDA, 2009 ) .Furthermore, it is prevalent that some experiment fails in lab research and might do animate beings decease, but animal right groups should understand there are many records of experiments which success will profit for many life ( Roche FAQs, n.d. ) . There are many diseases looking while we already have batch diseases with no remedy ( Animal Research, n.d ) . Assorted diseases have-to doe with worlds life, as in 2004, WHO report shows 58.8 million people died globally because of diseases like bosom onslaught and cancerous neoplastic disease. ( WHO, 2004 ) . This call forth of affairs decidedly necessitate big sum of carnal research to be carried out, but the statistic of animate being research shows that animate beings used in lab are worsening severally twelvemonth ( AALAC, 2010 European Commission, 2007 ) . Disease like malignant ne oplastic disease have no remedy entrap until now, but from the part of carnal research there are anti-cancer medical specialty found by research companies such as Roche ( Animal Research, n.d. Roche FAQs, n.d. ) . in spite of of that, there is no strong ground animate being right groups tell that the full animate being which used are been killed or the carnal use were been increasing. Some company have been perfect but other companies should seek their best to cut down the use of animate beings and increase the arrive at to salvage much life s disease.Second, carnal right groups have claimed that animate being s rights are mistreated when they were used in experiments. They says that animate beings will be forced to engender, caged in dark, and specimens will be exhibited. All of the statements are non true because the animate beings are controlled stairss and regulations on making research. This type of animate being abuse largely will be done by illegal research companies sinc e legal companies will follow carnal rights association s regulations that have been prepared. Example of regulation have been prepared was riddance of hurting and facet of animate being attention like caging eating, exercising for Canis familiariss and the mental comfort of Primatess which purely controlled by Federal Torahs which the Animal Welfare Act and Public Health work Act for animate being s right ( AALAS, 2010 ) . Roche Company is one illustration of the legal company that follows regulations fixed by animate being rights groups ( Roche FAQs, n.d. ) . Roche Company s research workers will non lb or shelter the animate beings because they will buy all animate beings from selected Sellerss who specialise in lovingness and bring forthing animate beings for research intent. The carnal seller Roche research workers choose should be professional breeders, because animate being should be breed with their voluntary and non forcedOn the other manus, there are several types of ch eek that statute law was placed to protect the public attention and attention for animate beings used in scientific research by assorted states. umteen states have their ain specified jurisprudence regulating the intervention of animate beings which involved in scientific procedures ( Animal Research, n.d. ) . They have Torahs for protect the public assistance of animate beings to guarantee that any scientific experiments refering carnal agony will be balanced by the possible utility of the research as justification to animate beings. Some of the illustrations of research associations are European Biomedical Research Association ( EBRA ) , European Commission ( EU ) , American Association for Laboratory Animal Science ( AALAS ) and Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care International ( AAALAC ) . EBRA association which represent the research community within Europe states was established to animate the apprehension of the place of animate beings i n medical and veterinary research ( EBRA, 2010 ) . This means all the European states must follow EBRA or any other association regulations, if non they will be known as illegal research organisation. Many people are misconstruing about carnal research because merely some illegal research workers that misuse animate beings in lab research and do legal research workers besides get the incrimination for the abuse of animate being.Third, carnal right groups claimed that all the animate being which been experimented are have similar feeling like homo. So animate beings will see hurting and hurt when involve in experiment merely like homo does. This issue was a often argued affair by carnal rights group. They should understand that the usage of animate beings in research and testing is purely controlled, peculiarly sing possible hurting ( AALAS, 2010 ) . Therefore most animate beings will merely ascertain merely little or fleeting hurting when taking blood samples, giving injection, o r holding a alteration of diet ( Roche FAQs, n.d. ) . Every research worker or establishment that does carnal research should follow regulations which purely controlled by Federal Torahs from the Animal Welfare Act and the Public Health Service Act ( AALAS, 2010 ) . In extra, every establishment of research worker must fall in a commission which includes an external member of the public sum total a veterinary who will analyze and supervise every possible experiment to assist guarantee best animate being attention and interventions.Research workers believe that the animate beings that help out us to check the secrets of disease that should be respected with best attention, because the animate being which good threated will come out more dependable scientific consequences ( AALAS, 2010 ) . Sometimes the animate being will experience utmost hurting and hurt affected by diseases, but anesthetics or trouble relieving drug will be given for most instances to relief them from hurting. Be fore certain carnal research is approved by associations like the Roche institutional Animal Care and Use Committee ( IACUC ) , hurting and hurt direction will be used in carnal research proposal. Therefore, if there are any researches that may potentially do hurting or hurt in animate beings found, they must be scientifically justified by including a warrant that alternate methods are non available. ( Roche FAQs, n.d. ) . All carnal research proposals besides must hold a declaration that the proposal does non needlessly double other carnal research. So people do non necessitate to worry about carnal feeling in lab research because there are innkeeper ways to diminish the hurting and hurt that animate being will travel through in research and some Animal Welfare associations that business concern about animate being rights in lab research.Finally, carnal right groups have claimed that animate being lab research is non necessary and they should non be proceed because there are oth er alternate methods could be used. Examples of other alternate methods are In Vitro Research, In Silico ( Computer ) Technologies, Safety Testing, and Epidemiologic and Clinical Studies ( PCRM, n.d. ) . really to develop utilizing non-animal method to replace the usage of carnal research is proved really hard because even after non-animal method were developed and validated will non accepted by regular governments worldwide. That method should be the first pick to the carnal trials before clinical test ( Animal Research, n.d. ) . An illustration is, if you have discover a imaginable drug that might destruct lung malignant neoplastic disease cells and it will be a imaginable new intervention for lung malignant neoplastic disease. But the first thing to happen out is, do it really does kill lung malignant neoplastic disease cells merely or powerful lung cells excessively. Laboratory animate beings have variety meats and organic structure systems similar to worlds and other animate beings. In many instances, they are susceptible to the same diseases that affect worlds. ( AALAS, 2010 ) It is non imaginable to come on drugs or performs several different sorts of of import scientific probe without carnal research. Animal research was biological and medical research methods that use cells, tissues, people, and high tech equipment ( Animal Research, n.d. ) .In modern universe, kids normally receive a vaccinum that delivers lifetime protection from the diseases and immunise them in line of merchandise to typhus, diphtheria, whooping cough, variola, and lockjaw. Millions of people in the universe are healthy grownup because of those vaccinums that were made probably through carnal research ( AALAS Foundation, n.d. ) In the intervening clip, alternate methods like computing machine theoretical accounts and cell civilizations are first-class used for demoing and specifying the toxic potency of a substance in the early stages of probe for fall the figure of animate beings required in research ( AALAS, 2010 ) . There is possible of 3Rs construct of alternate method which Reduce, Refine and Replace could be followed in carnal research ( DLRM, 2001 ) . There are legion alternate methods could be used for cut down the use of animate beings in lab research. Animal research can non be banned in lab research because animate beings are biologically similar with human, they could assist to bring around human and carnal diseases. It is true that animate being researches have many history of success on remedy diseases.Besides, censoring carnal research and non-human primate research in any state is non possible and really unsafe for that state s economic assistance and medical progress. Once the carnal researches were banned in their county, the research workers from their state will carry on their research experiment outside of their state. This will impact their state s criterion of research and medical demands because the state s research criterion will be influenced by other planetary states. On other side of position, if the carnal research or non-human archpriest research was banned globally, there will bigger job because greater country of medical required could be found ( Roche FAQs, n.d. ) . There are studies shows that more than 90 % of animate being and non-human Primatess are used in research merely for evaluates curtain drugs or vaccinum s efficiency and safety rather tested on homo.The study on animate beings or non-human Primatess proving was required by regulative governments worldwide. Examples of regulative governments worldwide are European Medicines Evaluation potency and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration ( European Commission Environment, 2010 ) . The ground why these regulative authorization organic structures worldwide wants an efficiency and safety database on carnal experimentation, is because they want to minimise the hazards of patient who will be utilizing the merchandise. Lastly animate beings w hich benefit on biomedical research non merely cure human diseases but besides save carnal diseases. Feline immunodeficiency virus ( FIV ) and feline leukemia virus ( FeLV ) infections are major causes of decease in cats. In the U.S. , it is estimated that 2-3 % of all cats are septic with one or both of these diseases. A vaccinum is available to forestall these diseases, but much extra work is necessary to explicate these diseases and their intervention ( AALAS Foundation, n.d. ) . Scarification of each animate beings were been saves many lives non merely for now but for the hereafter excessively.In decision, carnal research is good and there are several other parts of research where animate being testing is wholly necessary particularly in medical spheres, like shots, behavior jobs, mental defects, and other. Peopless besides must be clear about some jobs that they do non cognize in carnal research and non to fault carnal research. First there is no cogent record that full ani mate beings which used in carnal research were been killed, and research worker are seeking their greatest manner to cut down the use of animate beings and increase the benefit for safe all life s disease. Second people should understand that legal animate being research worker will non harm animate beings in researches because all carnal research is really purely regulated by legion different moralss communities and regulative organic structures. Third there are legion ways to diminish the hurting and hurt that animate beings go through in research, so people do non necessitate to worry about animate beings experiencing. Ultimately, because animate beings are biologically similar to human and they have solved many disease of human go through, there is no manner to censoring the carnal research hence alternate methods besides are non dependable as carnal research. Scarification of each animate being will salvage many lives non merely now but for the hereafter excessively. In order to make consciousness for people about the benefit of carnal research, companies should make explanation about their company mission in utilizing animate being for lab research and the authorities should take serious challenge for company that does non follows regulations made by carnal rights group. Indeed at that place many facts that prove carnal research is of import and should be continued by following the regulations fixed by animate being rights associations, as it is good and improves the quality for human and animate beings life.2390 words
Sunday, May 26, 2019
China’s IT Industry in 1997
A series of strange symptoms of poisoning appeared on a girl Zhu Lin unexpectedly hair lost, muscles on the face paralyzed, limbs weakened, and words slurred. No one can tell what is the cause. Life is in dangerOne of her classmates emailed for aid on Inter illuminate. Fortunately, the first reply arrived in less than three hours. Afterwards, oer 1,500 emails reached her. Most of the replies analysed that Zhu Lin had been thallium poisoned.It is the Internet that has saved her young lifeIn 1994, there were merely a few universities and institutions on Internet. Now there are over 620 thousand end users in china. The number increased four-fold in 1997 compared with the socio- economic class before, still booming on an exponential curve, and is sure to go through the limit of one million. Information Technology (IT) industry has become one of the industries growth to the spiritedest degree quickly in mainland China.Sum (billion) Increase (compared to 1996) Anticipation in 1998Gr oss out dedicate value RMB 380 25%(3.6 times 1992) RMB 460Total sales cyberspace RMB 250 15% RMB 300The Tel exchange capacity of China National Public Tel Net has become the second largest one in the orb.Last year, the sales al-Quran of PC broke through three million, which indicated that it had increased by sixty percent than 1996.All the above data depict an exciting success for China a comeing country. She is laboring at curtailing the gap between developed countries and herself.As the modern education technology (IT) develops rapidly with the increase of social demand, the hollow status of IT in the development of modern business has become more and more stable. IT can provide the learning a business needs for good operations, effective management and competitive advantage. If information systems do not properly support the strategic objective, they can seriously damage its prospect for survival and success.For a company, out-of-date information of demand leads to an ex cess or insufficient output in revolutionizely-attained information results in the loss of capital for the timeliness of currency, and then emerged an inefficient concession of the resource of the whole society. At present, this kind of waste engendered by the undeveloped IT industry widely exists in all walks of life in China. It is urgent to prompt the informationalization grade of the nation.The world economy has been turning from industrial economy to information economy. P.R.C. Chairman Jiang Zeming once said, IT is the accelerator and amplifier of the national economy. Therefore, a countrys information industry embodies its power. growing IT industry becomes a world trend , and a strategic task in many countries.The informationalization degree of the developed country has reached a considerable level. In 1993, US declared National Information Infrastructure (NII). It is expected that by 2000 information super-highway go forth view as connected all the schools, hospitals, l ibraries. Although there are over 620 thousand end users in China, but compared with the 1.2 billion population, the popularization of Internet in China is much lower than that in US.The rate between currency flow and currency gross is an important index of informationization degree of a country. The lower the proportion, the higher the informationization degree. In American, the proportion is eight percent. But in China, it has reached twenty-five percent.Eighty percent of world information resource is possessed by developed countries which have only fifteen percent of world population. Mean opus, with eight-five percent of world population, the developing countries occupy only twenty percent of information in the world.In the developed countries such as U.S.A., it is prevalent to operate the enterprise with information flow. Intranet is being considered an effective way of dealing with information. But in many Chinese enterprises, manpower is required to transmit messages. A lot of waste and troubles equal a considerable loss of time, insufficient or less accurate information and and so onThe low degree of informationalization results from the insubstantial basis of China. In China, economic basis is weak, financial capacity is limited, and IT is far behind the developed countries. Because of the great population, there is great divergence among various areas in China.Every country desires to develop IT industry. Especially, developing countries need information innovation to promote the development of economy. But, because of the weakness of economic basis and insufficiency of financial capacity, developing countries often feel its ability is not equal to its ambition. What should be done? We have several ideas as the followingThere*s an old Chinese saying know your rivalry and yourself clearly, you*ll triumph every timeSo let us take a look at the pioneer of ITUS first. For to the highest degree 50 years, the Americans have laid a solid foundation in the field of electronics, computer and communication. The alert network has become an embryo of information superhighways. Both had prompted President Clinton to put forward NII.In contrary to US, China now calls for the infrastructure of information products. The developing country needs the step-by-step measure. As a result, the principle of China National Information Infrastructure was born.This comprehensive and step-by-step image of Information superhighway make it possible that China will be quickly informationalized.The most beautiful picture can be drawn on pure white paper Skip on technologyScience is the common riches of human being, the developing countries don*t have to build up from nothing. We can step into the first class directly by taking the existing technology.Take lacquer for example. After World War , she stands up from ruins and almost in no time, it becomes a shining star. Which way did she take? The best in the world.China now has a good chance to learn the lessons of pioneers, she can do the simplest, the most expedient and the most flexible.For instance, China has just started to set up her own network construction. she can take the opportunity to establish the first-class frame and utilize the most advanced hardware and software.As we can see, parachute on technology is suitable for the developing countries,A high-rise building is built from the groundAn essential characteristic of IT industry is high investment and high production of additional value. However, since financial capacity is far too limited, high investment requires developing countries to select a right way leading to success. by means of the course of the development of IT, we can find that, in general, IT is in the stage of growing and application from the 1980s to a long time in the future. Although Japan had great achievement on IT, from 1980s it began to develop some high-tech instead of promoting deeper application, trying to obtain monopoly profit. However , Japan ran counter to the situation of todays IT and lost its market. The disappointment of Japan alarms the developing countries application should be the foundation of the strategy of IT development in developing countries.To promote the innovation, manufacture and application of basic information products, just economic scale should be considered. And it is essential to develop a series of products such as PC, network servers, parallel processing computer system and etc.Cooperation by national and local governmentBoth central and local initiative should be brought into full play.Now China is building its national information infrastructure through Golden Project(1) and has completed many consequential informationization constructions such as Golden Bridge(2), Golden Card(3), Golden Customs(4), Golden Tax(5) and etc. In the meantime, local informationization projects have quickened their pace. Shanghai information harbor has consummated five information works including informat ion exchange net, science and technology net, community net and etc. Inland provinces and districts such as Henan Province augmented 120 thousand telephone users. The IT industry has been regarded as a pillar industry in more than 20 provinces in China.Competition should be introduced in IT industry to cut down the price . The construction of long-distance trunk line is up to the central government, while local governments manage the branches. Not only big state enterprises but also small town factories should be encouraged to move into in the booming IT industry.To be scientific and strict, there must be a series of laws and regulations.Shanghai Information Harbor grows with laws which the new-born information industries are appetite for Regulations governing advertisement on the network, Regulations governing EDI and Regulations governing Internet caf* were formulated.Effective working mode will protect the proper development of the IT industry. Unless troublesome Bill Gates tur ns into well-behavior or his corporation couldn*t stand firmly on the land of China.If China acts on these ideas, it*s sure to have a splendid future. The business and even the whole society will take on a new look.The telephone lines will reach each domicil, while the fiber optics will enter the buildings in most cities and towns. Since Golden Project have established the network of all kinds such as business, education, medical assist and economy, most things can be done through virtual banks, virtual enterprises, virtual library and so on, even if people stay at home all the time.The advantages the business takes will be conspicuous. The administrative structure will be simplified, the staff will be reduced, the risks of cash will be pocket-size by EDI, an inexhaustible database will be shared by everyone and will be a strong support of decision-making. The relationships between enterprise and clientele will be as close as fish to water.IT will take the place of some jobs and a t the same time, create much more occupations, which brings about that the information industry becomes the biggest industry of the country.A country can benefit a lot from its success in IT industry. Even though the developing countries want the most advanced technology and sufficient financial support, they can also achieve the goal by attaching importance to the building of IT industry and taking on an appropriate strategy a step-by-step Omnibus Bill and a skipping tactic of technology.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Shatterer of Worlds
Kildare Dobbs Before that morning in 1945 only a few pompous bombs, none of which did any great damage, had fallen on the city. Fleets of U. S. bombers had, however, devastated many cities round ab start, and Hiroshima had begun a program of evacuation which had reduced its population from 380,000 to some 245,000. Among the evacuees were Emiko and her family. We were move out to Otake, a town about an hours train-ride out of the city, Emiko told me. She had been a fifteen-year-old student in 1945.Fragile and vivacious, versed in the gentle traditions of the tea ceremony and flower arrangement, Emiko take over had an air of the frail school-child when I talked with her. Every day, she and her sis Hideko used to commute into Hiroshima to school. Hideko was thirteen. Their father was an antique dealer and he owned a house in the city, although it was empty now. Tetsuro, Emikos thirteen-year-old brother, was at the Manchurian front with the Imperial Army. Her mother was kept busy loo king after the children, for her youngest daughter Eiko was sick with heart trouble, and rations were scarce.All of them were undernourished. The dark of August 5, 1945, little Eiko was dangerously ill. She was non expected to follow. Everybody took turns watching by her bed, soothing her by massaging her arms and legs. Emiko retired at 830 (most Japanese multitude go to bed early) and at midnight was roused to take her turn with the sick girl. At 2 A. M. she went back to sleep. While Emiko slept, the Enola Gay, a U. S. B-29 carrying the worlds offset operational atom bomb, was already in the air. She had taken off from the Pacific island of Iwo Jima at 145 A. M. , and now Captain William Parsons, U. S. N. ordnance expert, was busy in her bomb-hold with the final conclave of Little Boy. Little Boy looked much like an outsize T. N. T. block-buster but the crew knew in that location was something different about him. Only Parsons and the pilot, Colonel Paul Tibbets, knew exactl y in what manner Little Boy was different. Course was set for Hiroshima. Emiko slept. On board the Enola Gay co-pilot Captain Robert Lewis was writing up his personal log. After leaving Iwo, he recorded, we began to pick up some low stratus and before very long we were flying on top of an undercast.Outside of a thin, high cirrus cloud and the low stuff, its a very beautiful day. Emiko and Hideko were up at six in the morning. They dressed in the uniform of their womens college-white blouse, quilted hat, and black skirt-breakfasted and packed their aluminum lunch-boxes with white rice and eggs. These they stuffed into their shoulder bags as they hurried for the seven-oclock train to Hiroshima. Today there would be no classes. Along with many womens groups, high school students, and others, the sisters were vent to work on demolition.You can read alsoSimilarities and Conflicts in a Streetcar Named DesireThe city had begun a project of clearance to make fire-breaks in its downtown huddle of woodwind instrument and paper buildings. It was a lovely morning. While the two young girls were at breakfast, Captain Lewis, over the Pacific, had made an entry in his log. We are loaded. The bomb is now alive, and its a funny feeling 1 From Reading the Time (1968). knowing its right in back of you. Knock wood In the train Hideko suddenly said she was hungry. She wanted to eat her lunch. Emiko dissuaded her shed be much hungrier later on. The two sisters argued, but Hideko at last agreed to cumber her lunch till later.They decided to meet at the main station that afternoon and catch the five-oclock train home. By now they had arrived at the first of Hiroshimas common chord stations. This was where Hideko got off, for she was to work in a different area from her sister. Sayonara she reverberateed. Goodbye. Emiko never saw her again. There had been an air-raid at 7 A. M. , but before Emiko arrived at Hiroshimas main station, two stops farther on, the sirens had sound ed the all clear. Just after eight, Emiko stepped off the train, walked through the station, and waited in the morning cheerfulnessshine for her streetcar.At about the same flake Lewis was writing in his log. Therell be a short intermission while we bomb our target. It was hot in the sun Emiko saw a class-mate and greeted her. Together they moved hack into the shade of a high concrete wall to chat. Emiko looked tip at the sky and saw, far up in the cloudless blue, a one B-29. It was exactly 810 A. M. The other people waiting for the streetcar saw it too and began to discuss it anxiously. Emiko felt up scared. She felt that at all cost she must go on talking to her friend. Just as she was thinking this, there was a tremendous greenish-white flash in the sky.It was far brighter than the sun. Emiko afterwards remembered vaguely that there was a roaring or a rushing sound as well, but she was non sure, for just at that moment she lost consciousness. intimately 15 seconds after t he flash, noted Lewis, 30,000 feet high and several miles away, there were two very distinct slaps on the ship from the blast and the shock wave. That was all the bodily effect we felt. We turned the ship so that we could observe the results. When Emiko came to, she was lying on her face about forty feet away from where she had been standing.She was not aware of any pain. Her first thought was Im alive She lifted her head slowly and looked about her. It was growing dark. The air was seething with dust and black smoke. There was a smell of burning. Emiko felt something trickle into her eyes, tested it in her mouth. Gingerly she put a hand to her head, then looked at it. She saw with a shock that it was covered with prodigal. She did not concord a thought to Hideko. It did not occur to her that her sister who was in other part of the city could possibly have been in danger.Like most of the survivors, Emiko fictive she had been close to a direct hit by a conventional bomb. She t hought it had fallen on the post-office next to the station. With a hurt childs panic, Emiko, streaming with blood from gashes in her scalp, ran blindly in search of her mother and father. The people standing in front of the station had been burn to death instantly (a shadow had save Emiko from the flash). The people inside the station had been crushed by falling masonry. Emiko heard their faint cries, saw hands scrabbling weakly from under the collapsed platform.All around her the maim survivors were running and stumbling away from the roaring furnace that had been a city. She ran with them toward the backings that ring the landward side of Hiroshima. From the Enola Gay, the strangers from North America looked down at their handiwork. There, in front of our eyes, wrote Lewis, was without a interrogative the greatest explosion man had ever witnessed. The city was nine-tenths covered with smoke of a boiling nature, which seemed to indicate buildings blowing up, and a large white cloud which in less than three minutes reached 30,000 feet, then went to at least 50,000 feet.Far below, on the edge of this cauldron of smoke, at a distance of some 2,500 yards from the blasts epicenter, Emiko ran with the assuagement of the living. or so who could not run limped or dragged themselves along. Others were carried. Many, hideously burned, were screaming with pain when they tripped they lay where they had fallen. There was a man whose face had been ripped open from mouth to ear, another whose forehead was a gaping wound. A young soldier was running with a foot-long splinter of bamboo protruding from one eye. But these, like Emiko, were the lightly wounded. Some of the burned people had been literally roasted.Skin hung from their flesh like sodden tissue paper. They did not bleed but plasma dripped from their seared limbs. The Enola Gay, mission completed, was reversive to base. Lewis sought words to express his feelings, the feelings of all the crew. I might say, he wrote, I might say My God What have we done? Emiko ran. When she had reached the safety of the mountain she remembered that she still had her shoulder bag. There was a small first-aid kit in it and she applied ointment to her wounds and to a small cut in her left hand. She bound(p) her head. Emiko looked back at the city.It was a lake of fire. All around her the burned fugitives cried out in pain. Some were scorched on one side only. Others, naked and flayed, were burned all over. They were too many to help and most of them were expiry. Emiko followed the walking wounded along a back road, still delirious, expecting suddenly to meet her father and mother. The thousands dying by the roadside called feebly for help or water. Some of the more lightly injured were already walking in the other direction, back towards the flames. Others, with just now any visible wounds, stopped, turned ashy pale, and died within minutes.No one knew then that they were victims of radiation. Emiko rea ched the suburb of Nakayama. Far off in the Enola Gay, Lewis, who had seen none of this, had been writing, If I live a hundred years, Ill never get those few minutes out of my mind. Looking at Captain Parsons, why he is as confounded as the rest, and he is supposed to have cognize everything and expected this to happen At Nakayama, Emiko stood in line at a depot where rice-balls were being distributed. Though it demented her that the badly maimed could hardly feed themselves, the child found she was hungry.It was about 6 P. M. now. A little farther on, at Gion, a farmer called her by name. She did not recognize him, but it seemed he came monthly to her home to collect manure. The farmer took Emiko by the hand, led her to his own house, where his wife bathed her and fed her a repast of white rice. Then the child continued on her way. She passed another town where there were hundreds of injured. The dead were being hauled away in trucks. Among the injured a charwoman of about forty five was waving frantically and muttering to herself. Emiko brought this woman a little water in a pumpkin leaf.She felt guilty about it the schoolgirls had been warned not to give water to the seriously wounded. Emiko comforted herself with the thought that the woman would die soon anyway. At Koi, she found standing-room in a train. It was heading for Otake with a blanket(a) load of wounded. Many were put off at Ono, where there was a hospital and two hours later the train rolled into Otake station. It was around 10 P. M. A great crowd had gathered to look for their relations. It was a nightmare, Emiko remembered years afterwards people were calling their dear kinfolk by name, searching frantically.It was necessary to call them by name, since most were so disfigured as to be unrecognizable. Doctors in the town council offices stitched Emikos head-wounds. The place was crowded with casualties lying on the floor. Many died as Emiko watched. The town council authorities made a strang e announcement. They said a new and mysterious kind of bomb had fallen in Hiroshima. People were talk over to stay away from the ruins. Home at midnight, Emiko found her parents so happy to see her that they could not even cry. They could only give thanks that she was safe.Then they asked, Where is your sister? For ten long days, while Emiko walked daily one and a half miles to have her wounds dressed with fresh gauze, her father searched the rubble of Hiroshima for his lost child. He could not have hoped to find her alive. All, as far as the eye could see, was a desolation of charred ashes and wreckage, relieved only by a few jagged ruins and by the seven estuarial rivers that flowed through the waste delta. The banks of these rivers were covered with the dead and in the rising tidal waters floated thousands of corpses.On one broad street in the Hakushima district the crowds who had been thronging there were all naked and scorched cadavers. Of thousands of others there was no tra ce at all. A fire several times hotter than the surface of the sun had turned them instantly to vapor. On August 11 came the news that Nagasaki had suffered the same fate as Hiroshima it was whispered that Japan had attacked the United States mainland with similar mysterious weapons. With the large circumstantiality of rumor, it was said that two out of a fleet of six-engined trans-Pacific bombers had failed to return.But on August 15, speaking for the first time over the radio to his people, the Emperor Hirohito denote his countrys surrender. Emiko heard him. No more bombs she thought. No more fear The family did not learn till June the following year that this very day young Tetsuro had been killed in action in Manchuria. Emikos wounds healed slowly. In mid-September they had closed with a thin layer of pinkish skin. There had been a shortage of antiseptics and Emiko was happy to be getting well. Her satisfaction was short-lived. Mysteriously she came down with diarrhea and hig h fever. The fever continued for a month.Then one day she started to bleed from the gums, her mouth and throat became aggressively inflamed, and her hair started to fall out. Through her delirium the child heard the doctors whisper by her pillow that she could not live. By now the doctors must have known that ionizing radiation caused such(prenominal) destruction of the bloods white cells that victims were left with little or no resistance against infection. Yet Emiko recovered. The wound on her hand, however, was particularly troublesome and did not heal for a long time. As she got better, Emiko began to acquire some notion of the fearful scale of the disaster.Few of her friends and acquaintances were still alive. But no one knew simply how many had died in Hiroshima. To this day the claims of various agencies conflict. According to General Douglas MacArthurs headquarters, there were 78,150 dead and 13,083 missing. 2 The United States Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission claims there were 79,000 dead. Both sets of figures are probably far too low. Theres reason to believe that at the time of the surrender Japanese authorities lied about the numerate of survivors, exaggerating it to get extra medical supplies.The Japanese welfare ministrys figures of 260,000 dead and 163,263 missing may well be too high. But the very order of such discrepancies speaks volumes about the scale of the catastrophe. The dead were literally uncountable. This appalling toll of human life had been exacted from a city that had been prepared for air attack in a state of full wartime readiness. All civil defense services had been overwhelmed from the first moment and it was many hours before any sort of organized rescue and backing could be put into effect.Its true that single raids using so-called conventional weapons on other cities such as Tokyo and Dresden inflicted far greater casualties. And that it could not matter much to a victim whether he was burnt alive by a firestorm caused b y phosphorus, or by napalm or by atomic fission. Yet in the whole of human history so savage a massacre had never before been inflicted with a single blow. And modern atomic weapons are upwards of 1,000 times more powerful and deadly than the Hiroshima bomb. The white scar I saw on Emikos small, fine-boned hand was a tiny metaphor, a faint but eloquent reminder of the scar on humanitys conscience.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Balance Scorecard method used in Cattaraugus Country ReHabilitation Center
Cattaraugus County ReHabilitation vegetable marrow had done an effective job of implementing a balance scorecard draw near in a fashion that reflects their organizational mission and vision MAIN BODY Although the BSC method has been used in the for-profit organizations for many years I believe that ReHabilitation Center has made it work for their organization.There was a lot of push back from the people who work at the center when it was first introduced, they believed it was just another fly-by-night approach that would just fail but as the new Director of Strategic Management slow got the upper management to take a closer look and to start helping adapt the BSC method to their organization. Since the BSC wasnt designed for the not-for-profit ReHabilitation Center had to do a bit of work to get everything working justifiedly and after a while they were able to get the BSC to work for their organization.There are four score card quadrants that ReHabilitation Center uses they are Perspective, Strategy, Operations, Core Indicators/Measures. They then broke that down to five different parts of the organization under Perspective, there is consumers, monetary, operational, learning, and one that isnt defined but seems to be consumer relations and client service. ReHabilitation Center has seen great benefits from adapting the BSC to the center but the greatest benefit maybe that the personnel within the center has noticed how much more comprehend assist that strategic planning is and not merely looking at a long-term plan.They now understand that is it necessary to align each are of the Center with the overall strategic objectives. Another benefit is that the Center has been able to develop metrics and link them to the strategic plan. The Center has begun to focus on the splendor of interrelationships among the perspectives in the BSC and has enabled worker in the Center to see things they had not thought about in the past and relate them to the BSC.Every y ear they update the BSC they have set apart into place to and make sure they are still following along with it and making any necessary changes to either the scorecard or to the organization. With everyone being touch within the organization of the strategic planning they have the ability to make sure that the strategic plan is being followed or seeing what changes need to be made on a consistent bases.CONCLUSIONThe conceptual framework of the Balanced Scorecard has been utilise and utilized effectively for years in a openhanded number of for-profit organizations. More recently, the model has been effectively utilized in not-for-profit organizations as well. In this paper the authors have described how the Balanced Scorecard approach has been implemented in a ReHabilitation Center. In implementing the Balanced Scorecard approach, the ReHabilitation Center has placed pit emphasis on the consumer perspective and the financial perspective.This equal focus is based upon the necessi ty of the Center to carry out its primary mission for its consumers (individuals with developmental disabilities) as well as the necessity to maintain financial stability within the Center. The emphasis on both of these perspectives has become a necessity in order for the Center to efficiently and effectively serve its customers. plot the use of the Balanced Scorecard in the long range planning process for the Center is relatively new, the process has been accepted by the management of the organization.The contest ahead for the Center is to continue to develop outcome measures for the individual departments within the Center and tie these outcome measures to the strategic objectives of the Center. It is recognized this is an extremely difficult process as real outcomes are not easily measurable. The formulation of outcome measures is a continuous development process. It is felt this process will definitely fire the efficiency and effectiveness of the ReHabilitation Center in the long run (Martello, 2008).
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Appearance and Reality in the School for Scandal Essay
The School for Scandal is a prominent play written by Richard Sheridan. In this essay im going to discussed Appearance and Reality . Theres a characters who represent the false appearances and the really appearances. The School for Scandals member are the trust appearance and they distant reality. Theres a dramatic element like the disguise of Sir Oliver in his trial judge on Joseph and Charles. We have the two brothers, Joseph turn up and Charles Surface. The dramatic tool used to know the good brother. And also the dramatic irony in the scene sort out (the culmination of the play).The School for Scandal is formed by hypocritical characters. On the one hand lady Sneerwell (young widow. She is attracted to Charles Surface and plots with Joseph Surface to break up Charles and Maria) , wench Teazle (Young wife of Sir Peter. She and her husband have their little spats), Joseph Surface (Who pretends to be an honorable gentlemen but It is the bad brother. ) and Mrs Candour (A profes sedly kindhearted woman who speaks well of everyone in such a way as to ruin their constitutions in the process. ). They are the appearance. On another hand we have the real characters.Sir Peter (Husband of Lady Teazle)and Sir Oliver Surface (Charles and Josephs uncle) and Charles Surface (really the good brother). Mrs. Candour and her love of gossip make her one of the most scandalous pupils of all her true sentiment is seen only done the false accounts of others which she delivers to any listening ear, often using metaphors of money. If a scandal were to take place, she could risk losing it all, whether reputation or wealth. This can be seen as augur the fate of Joseph he took such care to secure his financial success, and one scandal ruined it all.The object of Josephs financial success, Maria, who possesses neither a binding nor an interest in spreading lies, is greatly affected by the change in Lady Teazle, as it consequently means that her unwilling role in the scheme is o ver. Charles Surface has a reputation as a scoundrel. But beneath his flawed veneer, he is a decent fellow. Joseph Surface has a reputation as an upright man. But beneath his flawless veneer, he is a villain. Joseph Surface is appearance and Charles Surface is reality. Joseph is the bad brother and Charles is the good brother.Joseph lies because he wants the issue of Maria and he wants to marry Maria for economical interest. Sir Peter and Sir Oliver want to discover the truth about the two brother, Charles and Joseph. (the reality). Theres a dramatic tool here. The disguise. Sir Oliver disguises and he makes a trial to Charles (for he known as Mr. Premium) and Joseph (for he known as Mr. Stanley) to know who is the good brother. In the scene block out, Joseph seizes upon Lady Teazles discontent with Sir Peter to mount a subtle argument that seeks to rationalize and justify adultery.Once the deception of hiding Lady Teazle behind the screen is in place, Sheridan fully exploits its potential for ironic double meanings and double dealings. The School For Scandal draws a humorous picture of an unfortunate reality that many peck will do anything to further elevate their characters, even if it means hurting friends and family. The characters of the play are willing to construct elaborate screens of sentiment in lay out to deceive those around them and increase their own wealth.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Association football and substitute goalkeeper Essay
The goaltender is the most specialised position in football. A goalkeepers job is mainly defensive to guard the teams goal from being breached (to not let the other team score). netkeeper is the only position defined in the Laws of the Game.Goalkeepers are the only players allowed to touch the ball with their hands and arms, however they are restricted to doing so only at heart their penalty area for this reason, they must wear jerseys that distinguish them from other outfield players and the referee. If a goalkeeper is sent off or injured, and there is no substitute goalkeeper available, an outfield player must take the goalkeepers place and put on the appropriate identifying uniform.3.The discipline of goalkeeping is so specialised that it is very rare in the professional game for a goalkeeper to play in any other position. One notable exception is Jorge Campos of Mexico, who played effectively as a striker when called upon.4.A goalkeeper with rock-steady technical skill may op t to take his teams penalties and free kicks though this is rare as the goalkeeper would be caught out of position if possession is conceded immediately after the kick. Jos Luis Chilavert, formerly of Vlez Srsfield and Paraguay, and Rogrio Ceni of So Paulo and Brazil are known free-kick and penalty specialists with over 100 goals to their names. Hans-Jrg Butt is the goalkeeper to have scored in the most different competitions, having scored in all of Germanys top four divisions, the German cup and the UEFA Champions League.567 Physical strength, height, jumping ability and judgement are valued qualities for goalkeepers to have in order to deal with aerial balls and agility, quick reactions and a good positional sense are all needed for shot stopping.89 The standard football skills of ball control, tackling, passing and dribbling are not usually required in a goalkeeper, although the introduction of the back-pass rule in the early 1990s has necessitated improvement on such skills.1 0.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Handicaps and Special Needs Essay
Handicaps and Special Needs people argon those who are not considered customary because of their physical (blindness), mental (mental retardation), motor (unable to walk properly) or Auditory Perception Disability (difficulty distinguishing subtle differences in shapes, reversing letters like d and b or p and q, or confusing E and 3. ). Disability tummy be mild or severe. Because of their disabilities they may be unable to perform tasks, even simple routine ones like eating, walking or taking a bath without assistance from others.Assistance may be in the form of help extended like when a sibling impart help a blind brother reach certain destination by holding his hand or in the form of modification to allow in their disability like schools for mentally retarded children were limitedly designed in a manner that mentally impaired person are able to prod certain lessons. Disabilities may be acquired at birth or certain period of life when they meet accidents or developed illnes s.This essay will wrangle on three specimens of handicapped and special needs. One example of handicap as cited above is blindness (physical disability). Blindness of course means that a person is unable to see. It is much easier to guide and assists a person who is not blind from birth. By then he already knows a lot of things, he knew the glossiness red or how a tree looks or he can distinguish a cow from a lion without the necessity of touching. He can easily roam around the house or other familiar places without any assistance.For a blind person at birth, on the other hand, it may be difficult at first because they had never seen the things around them so they do not have any mental picture. For them, touching, listening and tasting are essential for learning (Blindness 1995). He never knew what circle is before so his hands need to touch a circle. In the case of Helen Keller, the renowned blind woman, Anne Sullivan taught her what water was by letting water run down to her hands.To help them learn alphabet, Braille was invented wherein the letters were represented in the form of dots. With attention and perseverance however, a blind person, even those born blind, are able to live and enjoy a normal life with minimum assistance from others. An example of people with special needs is the autistic (learning disability). Medical experts classify Autism as a developmental disorder caused by the defective functioning of the brain.This disorder is characterized by failure to interact socially (do not play with other kids), failure in the use of language (inability to learn to talk) and engaging in repetitive and psychoneurotic behaviors (playing with a certain toy for hours or constant twirling and turning). Autistic persons have limited interests and activities and they usually unable to understand emotional signals like anger or sadness and they do not respond when their names are called. If parents are observant they can detect that their child is autis tic even as unseasoned as 18 months.Their early warning signs are their inability to make eye contact or respond to cooing appropriately like most babies do. another(prenominal) signs that a child is autistic are repetition of certain words or phrases when they are frightened or disturbed, pulling of their hair to mean that they are hurt or withdrawal from interaction with others, even with parents they prefer to be alone and to create their own world, whatever that may be ( distributive 2007). Parents of these children needs to be educated how to respond properly to this children and therapy and speech instructions are often recommended for an autistic person.Specialized schools are also available for them. A third example of handicapped is motor disability due to inability to use certain muscle groups resulting to difficulty in walking, running or climb (motor disability). This may be a mild from of disability and wherein muscle therapy or medication is needed to cure the probl em (An Introduction p. 2). The aim of any normal person is to make living and working accessible for these types of people so that they also will be afforded opportunities for normal living.ReferencesAn Introduction to Special Needs(2007). Retrieved October 1, 2007 from http//serch. cofc. edu/special/IntroductionToSpecialNeeds. pdf Blindness(1995). Kids Health. Retrieved October 1, 2007 from http//www. kidshealth. org/kid/health_problems/sight/visual_impaired. html Pervasive Developmental Disorder(2007). National Institute of Neurological Disorder and Stroke. Retrieved October 1,2007 from http//www. ninds. nih. gov/disorders/pdd/pdd. htmIs_there_any_treatment
Monday, May 20, 2019
Higher Education and Nguyen Essay
Nowadays, instruction is a main concern of society. The government shows a lot of solutions to improve development and try to stimulate it better and better. In the article Time to expand our views on education, published in Thanh Nien tidings in January 2012, Nguyen Thi Phuong Nguyen argues that the public university system in Vietnam needs to be improved and people should change their attitudes towards higher(prenominal)(prenominal) education. Nguyen presents some solutions to help Vietnamese education be improved and this essay will critically label her main suggestions.Nguyen mentions two main problems that helps the government improve Vietnamese education. The first problem is there should be stricter penalties for law-breaking institutions. numerous universities are doubted of their legality. They cheat students out of fees and earn a lot of coin from students. The flash problem mentions that the government needs to spend money more effectively on ordinal education. Th ey do not know how to spend money usefully. The government needs to find the way of spending money effectively to improve their quality.Nguyens first argument, Nguyen makes a good points when she states that the laws against institutions need to be more severe. Many universities advertise that they have good service, high qualities and good teachers. But it is not true. They have poor qualities and teachers do not help students to study better. Students pay a lot of money to study in there, and they do not have good environment as advertisement. The worst penalty that can be evaluate is a small fine. The government should be stricter. Many cheating universities should be forced to close.Nguyens secondment argument, Nguyen is correct when she state that the government needs to spend money more effectively on tertiary education. They spend a lot of money for advertisement and marketing, which is ineffective. They can use this budget to equip neo equipments in class and find good te achers. For example, education accounts for 20% of all state budget expenditures and stands at 5.5% of GDP (MOET 2008). This is higher than many other countries in the region. Therefore, the problem is how the budget is spent more effectively.In conclusion, Nguyens article Time to expand our views on education shows many suggestions and solutions for the development of Vietnams higher education system. Both of her arguments that the law-breaking institutions need to be sereve and the government should focus on tertiary education are acceptale. The government need to do them to develop the Vietnams higher education system. Although the article has two strong and weak arguments, overall message is effective for development of Vietnamese education.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Demat Account Essay
I would bid to thank my Branch Manager for being a expect throughout my Project work. Mr. Deepak Chaudhary has always encouraged me to stay focused towards my project no matter what the conditions are. I have furthermore to thank my respected Project Guide Dr. Renuka Sharma who gave and confirmed this permission and encouraged me to go ahead with my Project. She always guided me in the right direction whenever I asked her for help. I would also like to thank God for giving me the patience throughout my project and my parents who supported me and helped me in all ways.Without all, I could not have successfully knowd my project properly in time with adequate data and relevant substance in it. Thanking you, Mehak Mehta CUN120550046 3 Executive Summary This project is about creating a portfolio produce that would help apotheosis Broking. We all spot that subscriber line turn backet is a insecurityy investment pick for all but it is good if investor stack make m integrityy out of it. The regulatory body for the stock market is SEBI who controls all the activities of the market on daily basis and try to do transaction in a legal way so as to avoid the scams and to protect the interest of the investors.Now geezerhood there are many Portfolio completers and Fund managers who invest on the behalf of the investors and they assured them fixed rate of harvesting on their investment in a particular period of time. They all applied various kinds of pose to measure the danger avail equal in the market and the tools to manage that risk. There are various kinds of risk which is mainly categorize in two parts 1. Macro level risk 2. Micro level risk I. Macro level risk - It inhabit of Systematic and Unsystematic Risk. Systematic risk is that which cannot be reduced but Unsystematic risk can be controlled.Micro Level risk- It consist of various kinds of risk which are prevailing in the market like Business risk, muck upket risk, liquidness risk, Exchange rate r isk, financial risk, Currency risk and Country risk The above are the bulky categories of the risk in the market. As we can see from the recession that the world-wide markets also have their match on the Indian market because now a days companies are doing business at global level so the market of one country can affect the market of other countries also. So we cannot avoid the risk but we can manage the risk and minimize it.In my project I have done the same thing by applying the various models or tools which are helpful to manage the risk while doing an investment. Purpose/Objective of the acquire? ? The calculate of the consider is to give a portfolio ingathering to holy person Broking as per the inescapably of the population of Ludhiana region. Endeavour to create wealth oer the medium to eternal term through investments in equities, across market capitalization by focusing solely on the following? To measure the risk available in the market, taking into conside symm etryn the Nifty 50 stocks.To hear deep into the fundamentals of the companies as well as the concerned industry. ? To calculate the evaluate indemnity from the shortlisted stocks as well as from their concerned industry. ? To measure the risk/reward value of investors assets class choices 4 investigate mannerological analysis Used in the ProjectType of research project is Descriptive and Exploratory. To make a research project we need to see that whether there would be kitchen stove of this study or not, because if our study is not having scope indeed the whole work done impart not be effective.The scope of this study is there in the market because in today scenario bothone looks for the safe and risk free return but they dont know how to manage the risk which is there in the market so by the help of this study and after seeing the relevance, the Financial managers or the investment companies can emergence benefit out of it. Because by this they lead sum to know about th e tools to manage the risk and they will be able to sell more investment products because by using it they will be able to give safe return to the investors which will lead to an increase in their goodwill in the market.Methodology used to making of this project is Descriptive research invent. Once we decide with the type of research design we need also to know about the collection of data. I have used the secondary method to collect the data from the market. For this purpose different websites are being search out for the relevant development for making the project and various research paper and articles were also studied so as to produce reference from those articles. Once I am done with the data collection and fundamental analysis, I wherefore need to apply the tools.In my project I have used mainly four tools BETA, seat of government ASSET PRICING MODEL (CAPM), STANDARD DEVIATION and SHARPE INDEX. Sharpe Index tells us the excess return we can generate from the investment. Beta tells about the volatility of the risk. CAPM tells us about the Expected return on the stock, and Sortino ratio tells us that out of the stocks which are giving negative return which will be the stock that will give positive return in near future. Thus by applying all these models we come to know that we can also minimize our risk but for that analysis should be done so as to enjoy the safe return on the investment.Findings- After applying all the above models I have come to know the Beta of my portfolio, expected return that my portfolio will generate. CAPM help us to know that how much would be expected return on the stock and then we can compare the actual return with the expected return and invest accordingly. Beta helps us to know the volatility of risk in the market and then we can do risk return tradeoff so as to invest in opera hat stock as per our analysis. And Result of Sharpe ratio helps us to compare with the expected return and then do the Sortino ratio if require d. 5 Table of Contents I. Introduction to the corporation.Business carried on by parent order and group companies along with brief history, promoters & vision Introduction to the parent firm Main competitors Number of employees governance Structure Study of functioning of all the departments of the company SWOT comp blockium Financial Statement Analysis Trend Analysis Strategies adopted Profitability Analysis Review of Literature ? ? ? Review of articles Need of the study Objectives of the study III. Research Methodology adopted IV. Details of actual work undertaken V. Interpretation & Analysis VI. closedown and Suggestions ? ? VII. Findings of the studyRecommendations of the study Glossary VIII. Bibliography 6 Chapter-1 Introduction to the corporation and company 7 Business carried on by the parent company 8 nonesuch Broking Registered Office Corporate Office G-1, Ackruti Trade Center, passageway No -7, 6th Floor, Ackruti Star, Central Road MIDC, MIDC, Andheri (E), Mumbai 4 00 093. Andheri (E), Mumbai 400 093. Tel (022) 2835 8800 / 3083 7700 Tel (022) 3935 7600 9 About the company nonesuch Brokings tryst with excellence in customer relations began in 1987. Today, paragon has emerged as one of the most respected convey-Broking and Wealth Management Companies in India.With its unique retail-focused stock trading business model, Angel is committed to providing Real Value for Money to all its clients. The Angel Group is a member of the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), National Stock Exchange (NSE) and the two leading good Exchanges in the country NCDEX MCX. Angel is also registered as a Depository Participant with CDSL. Vision To provide best value for capital to investors through innovative products, trading/investments strategies, state of the art technology and personalized service. Motto To have complete harmony between quality-in-process and continuousimprovement to deliver exceptional service that will delight our Customers and Clients. 10 CRM ind emnity.A Customer is the most Important Visitor on our premises. He is not dependent on us, but we are dependent on him. He is not an interruption in our work. He is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider in our business. He is part of it. We are not doing him a save by serving him. He is doing us a favour by giving us an luck to do so. Mahatma Gandhi Business Philosophy ? ? ? ? Ethical practices transparency in all our dealings Customers interest above our own Always deliver what we promise Effective cost managementQuality Assurance Policy We are committed to providing world-class products and services which exceed the expectations of our customers, achieved by teamwork and a process of continuous improvement. 11 Evolution of Angel Group ? MR DINESH THAKKAR, CHAIRMAN MANAGING DIRECTOR, ANGEL GROUP, started this Journey as a SUB-BROKER in 1987 with 3 Employees and 25 Clients. 1997-2003 ? Dec97 Incorporation of Angel Broking ? July98 Angel Research Division started ? Mar02 Web -enabled back office software developed 2004 ? Apr04 Incorporation of Commodities Broking ? Sep04 Launch of internet trading chopine 2005Awarded prestigious study volume driver award 12 2006 ? ? ? ? Jul06 PMS function launched Sep06 Commences MF and IPO distribution Oct06 Awarded study volume driver award Dec06 Crossed 2,500 business associates 2007 ? Oct07 Major volume driver award for third consecutive time ? Nov07 Crossed 1. 5 lakh mark in DP rate ? Dec07 IFC acquired 12. 35% stake in Angel Group 2008 ? ? ? ? ? Jan08 Commences indemnification distribution Feb08 Ranked 1st by NSE for Registered intermediaries May08 Third party distribution business ramped up Sep08 Ranked 1st on NSE for largest sub-broker networkMajor volume driver award for the fourth consecutive time 2009 ? Jan09 Ranked 1st on NCDEX on the basis of turnover ? May09 Awarded the high hat Retail Broking House and the Broking House with Largest Distribution Network by Dun Bradstreet ? Two analysts won the ET Starmine Analyst Award ? Major volume driver award for the 5th consecutive time 2010 ? Nov10 Major volume driver award for the 6th consecutive time 13 2011 ? Mar11 Awarded the shell Contribution in Investor Education Category Enhancement of the Year Angel Broking Ltd and Broker with Best Commodity Research of the Year Angel Commodities Broking Pvt.A very strong and dedicated Research and Advisory desk. ? unrivaled of the highest success ratios in both technical and fundamental calls. ? An excellent IT infrastructure in place with over 18144 trading terminals and 610 VSATs with a server uptime of 99. 9%. ? 100% Retail centric focus and total freight towards retail customers. ? Some of the best fund managers running our Portfolio Management Services to enable clients to minimize their risk, recruit return and diversify their portfolios. ? Training Programs to upgrade the knowledge base competency levels of our employees, channel partners even our end customers.Understanding c lients risk return profile Offering the right blend of sphere of influence and stock exposure Giving dedicated Investment Advisors Giving a choice of different schemes to tally every individual investor preferences Catering to Individuals, HUFs, Corporate, NRIs, Trusts ? Angel Commodities ? ? ? ? Personalized services through branches regional hubs Trading descent Mgmt. Services in Bullion, Base Metals, Energy Agri. futures Opportunities in hedging portfolio diversification, speculation arbitrage Training educational Seminars on Commodities ? Angel Currency Futures ? ? ? ?Comprehensive coverage on Currencies (Rupee to Euro, Dollar Index to yearn). Reports covering in-depth fundamentals of the currencies. Latest economic data releases with their likely impact, along with Technical levels Comprehensive reports on currencies ideally suited for any investor / trader. ? Angel Gold ? ? ? ? Personalized Investment Advisory Portfolio Restructuring Continuous monitor Guidance fro m Experienced Research Team Periodic Group Meetings with Investors. ? Specialized Products Margin Funding ? quickness to allow clients to take higher exposure 20 ? ? ? Instant Liquidity for ClientsMargin is deposited in bullion as well as Collaterals Enabling Clients grab Earning Opportunity Pre-Paid Brokerage ? ? ? ? ? ? Zero Account spread Charges Attractive Brokerage Rates Free DP AMC for 1 year Assured gifts worth thousands with every account Easy Fast Recharge Free Financial Investment Application with every account ? Depository Services ? ? ? ? ? No physical instruction required for the clients sell obligations net transaction charges in the country Acceptance execution of instruction on fax A feature monthly Bill-Transaction- belongings cum Ledger statement Efficient pledge mechanism ? Value Added Services predication response SMS Example DP Holding, Pool Holding, Ledger update etc ? Insurance ? ? ? Products to meet the triple objectives of risk coverage, investment a nd tax planning Assessment of your Insurance involve after proper risk indite A wide array of individual life cover plans to meet your Protection, Savings and Retirement needs ? Mutual Funds ? ? ? ? ? Tie- ups with all major AMCs Dedicated Relationship Manager for Business Partners Exclusive MF Research Reports by Angel (Daily/ Weekly/Monthly Mutual Fund Reports) MF Portfolios as per Investors Financial GoalCommon Gateway for all Mutual Funds related queries ? gives, IPO and Fixed Deposits Products distributed by Angel include Unsecured Loans ? Personal/Business Loans/Credit Cards Secured Loans ? Home Loans/ Loan Against Properties ? Loan Against Securities / Gold IPO Distribution, Advisory and Helpdesk Fixed Deposits NHB Term Deposits 22 Distribution Model little(a) form Full form Details CSO Central Statistical Organization Mumbai RO Regional Offices 24 Branches Branches one hundred ninety SB Sub-Brokers 10000+ Clients Clients 1900000+ 23 Business carried on by the particula r firm 24 Angel Broking Regional Office.Rewards Recognition 27 E-broking Unique Online Trading products customized to suit different Investment / Trading needs ? ? ? Angel Investor Angel Diet Angel Trade Back-Office Online Client Details includes ? Ledger balances ? Cash Deposits with Angel ? Securities Holdings ? ? Charges levied/paid in the clients account Last auction / close-outs effected ? DP Holding for the last 3 transactions 28 Advisory Intraday calls BTST calls Long term calls Angel Trading 29 Positional calls Main Competitors Major players in the region are as follows- 30 History of broking firms outline history of some broking firms The birth of Karvy was on a modest scale in 1981. It began with the vision and attempt of a small group of practicing Chartered Accountants who founded the flagship company, Karvy Consultants Limited. ? They started with consulting and financial accounting automation and carved inroads into the field of cash register and share accounting by 1985. ? Since then, karvy utilized its experience and superlative expertise to go from strength to strength, to fall in their services, to innovate, diversify and in the process, evolved as one of Indias premier integrated financial service enterprise.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
The Twilight Saga 3: Eclipse PREFACE
To my husband, Pancho,for your patience, love, friendship, humor,and willingness to eat out.And also to my children, Gabe, Seth, and Eli,for letting me experience the kind of love that people freely fall out for. Fire and IceSome assign the world will end in fire, Some say in ice.From what Ive tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire. But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate To say that for destruction ice Is also great And would suffice. Robert Frost forewordALL OUR ATTEMPTS AT SUBTERFUGE HAD BEEN IN VAIN.With ice in my heart, I watched him prepare to defend me. His longing concentration betrayed no hint of doubt, though he was outnumbered. I knew that we could expect no help at this moment, his family was fighting for their lives just as surely as he was for ours.Would I ever learn the termination of that other fight? Find out who the winners and the losers were? Would I live long enough for that?The odds of that didnt aroma so great.Black eyes, wild with their fierce craving for my death, watched for the moment when my protectors attention would be diverted. The moment when I would surely die.Somewhere, far, far away in the cold forest, a wolf howled.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Contemporary Religious Issues in Christianity Essay
Over time in various righteousnesss, on that point has been conflict. If non within 1 particular religion then there would be conflicting with each other. Christianity is a religion that closely certainly has this issue. With many struggles in religion that people argon baptistry with today that would assists in the divergence of our human population, most religions still sh ar some of the same beliefs. Though all religions argon vastly variant, the all overall belief is geargond to praise and worship divinity. Two religions that will be discussed in this writing that conflict with Christianity are Judaism and Islam.In Judaism, besides cultural division within, most of their conflict is with modern community. In Islam, the Muslim community has a great political out human face that has been coupled with their religious beliefs and stereotyping has been more(prenominal) late a trigger for conflict. In this authorship we will discuss the contemporary issues within Chri stianity. We will canvas the historical connections and theological similarities with other religions much(prenominal) as Judaism and Islam. We will also take a look at Christian denominations and how they interact with Buddhism.Contemporary Issues within Christianity Christians have struggles between their own religion, and with other religions beliefs. Christians belief in One god, God of Love. We can find a message in the passages of the Bible in Genesis, a foundation about Gods creation. The concepts stewardship and creativity, God blessed them and God gave them this message, Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky, and over every active thing that moves on the earth. Bible) 2012 .The Love of God gets lost in our daily living style because the temptation, we sin and man abused Gods stewardship, and we dont follow what God is teaching us to do. Christianity and other religions in this novel government agency of living, we all are argufy to face an inevitable change. Social and new technology is responsible for new changes. We ask ourselves, what about religion in the future. Influences, crisis, economy are slowly changing the conservative religion to their surrounding of cultures.This changes are giving new choices to each one of us, and some choices are giving us ethical and cultural choices that force us to examine ourselves in our most basic philosophical believes. Christians and other religions are facing some areas that whitethorn raise ethical and religion beliefs. How Christian must respond to such conditions? How can we live with this society and culture that surrounds us? Christ of Culture perspective is exactly the opposite of Christ against Culture This management of living brings culture and Christianity together.God is giving us life why humans want to take root to take away our own lives or others. Where is our belief and hope, or mainly where is ou r Faith in God. Why we want to take function. If God give us life we must belief and have trust that he has a plan in our lives. Ethical termination of adult life. Do individuals have the just to end their own lives or the lives or their loved ones? Even with major circumstances, do we get the control where is our faith and believe that God does the impossible.Christianity questions about today is questioning about euthanasia. passive voice or Active). Passive allowing the soulfulness to die by discontinuing their treatments and active is taking some positive step to terminate the person life by toxic substance or the injection of an air bubble into the blood stream. euthanasia is the act of putting the death of a person which their illness in not curable and is violating the six commandment Thou shalt not kill (Murder). Such consent does not relieve the killer of guilt for the sin of murder. Euthanasia is an instance of murder, which is a categorically forbidden in scripture.E xodus 2013 (Bakers, 1973), pp. 222 F.This society is giving us the opportunity to take control in our own pass on new technology is changing tremendously our beliefs and if we dont wake up. This society will be out of control. Historical Connections and Theological Similarities with Other Religions The main historical connection between Judaism and Christianity is the situation that Christianity is a product of Judaism. This happened around the first century C. E. when Christianity was spreading rapidly throughout Europe.Besides Christianity forming out of Judaism, it has a connection through Jesus Christ, as we all know Jesus was a Jew. In fact for most of his life Jesus practice the Judaist faith and tear down celebrated Jewish passs. Some of these holidays even became the basis for some of Christianitys holidays, such as Easter which is based on the Jewish holiday Passover. Despite the fact that Christianity was a result of Judaism, Christians tended to have more freedom than Jews, while the latter was oftentimes persecuted for practicing their religion.Christianity has a connection to Israel that is almost as strong as Judaism. Nazareth which is based in Israel is considered the birth lieu of Jesus, as well the birthplace of the Jewish Christian Church, however after the destruction of the churchs tabernacle in 70C. E it seems that the church gradually faded into existence. While there may be some differences in how each religion worships and celebrates their religions. They both emphasize people being kind towards one another, accept in one God, and just being an overall good human being.The Christian and Islamic faith do share some of the same beliefs though their religions are vastly different. They both believe that there is one God and that God created the planet and mankind. They to both agree that God is the way of morality and the way or path of justice. It is also believed between the two religions that overall judgment of life is decided a fter life by heaven or hell. The fundamentalists Muslims and Christians also believe in pollutants such as vulgarism and licentious helps destroy a community or society.There is a huge negative perception in the western civilization in Islamic countries which explains the reasons of influences that evolve from out west. Of course there are obvious differences between both Christianity and Islam that will forever be unsettled. In these religions, pivotal doctrines are the points in which Christianity and Islam disagree. The overall tone of both beliefs are peaceful, caring, and loving human beings. The Muslim religion has points of emphasis on being peaceful, for instance In Islam, the Muslims look to Sura 2256 who say when speaking of religion theres no fixation.Though many in the world of Islam would believe that no compulsion means inside their religious world there is no competition amongst religion. Sura 2946 says do not have a quarrel with outside religions but only if there is damage doing. However, Sura 4134 say to be make nice with the person doing wrong by doing good things for that person. Almost similar is the bible which has its parts of conflict with violence mostly from the Old Testament. It contests that a Canaanite society is infested with evil doings especially child sacrifice.God sent Israelites to enforce against the particular blemish and further on did the same against the Israelites. Situations like this within the scriptures of the bible are specifically minimal in circumstances during this time all implemented by God. But as the Quran would suggest, their religion puts this graphic symbol of command in any time, place, and against any people or religion. Christian Denominations In religion, there is a power struggle to keep itself together. The ten commandments were clear on this issue. Thou shall not worship monstrous idols, (Ten Commandments, 2002-2011).But there are seven billion people on this planet. Chances are that at lea st one of those seven billion people would want to worship another idol. From this idea, they would separate from their buffer church and form their own church. Worshiping whomever they found fit to be the one who deserved to be worshiped. As a matter of fact, this has happened many times in the history of Christianity and Judaism. Why are there so many Christian denominations? Well first we would have to differentiate between the non-Christian cults, and the false religions.Christian denominations are Lutherans, as well as Presbyterians. Then there are Jehovahs witnesses and the Mormon religion, are examples of such cults. But islam and buddism are separate religions all together. Trials such as the protestant reformation gave intensify within the Christian church to denominations. A movement to reform the roman catholic church that took place during the 16th century. Out of this event, four major division of traditional Protestantism emerged. These four were Lutheran, reformed, Anglican, and Anabaptist.But many more denominations would grow over the coming centuries. The denomination Lutheran was named after Martin Luther. This is based off of his teachings. Methodist was named from its founder, deception Wesley. John Wesley was famous for coming up with methods for spiritual growth. Presbyterianism is named from their view on the churches leadership, and finally, Baptists. They got the name from the importants of the baptism ceremony. But not all the other denominations believe in baptism. So each one has a slightly different doctrine. Another is the availability of the lords supper to all.Or at least those whos testimonies could be verified by the church leaders. Looking at why they have divisions, it seems clear that its not about Christ as the lord and savior. But it seems rather the differences of opinion by godly, flawed evidence, people seeking god. Seeking to retain dictatorial purity of what is their understanding of his word. Looking at today, denominations are many and vary wildly. The denominations have spawned numerous styles such as Nazarenes, Christian and Missionary Alliance, Evangelical Free, Assemblies of God, ect.Some styles of denomination, emphasizes very bantam doctrinal differences. But more often, they simply offer different styles of worship. Fitting the differences of Christians. This is the cause for so many forms of Christianity. Conclusion In this paper we have gone over the contemporary issues within Christianity. We have reviewed the historical connections and theological similarities with other religions such as Judaism and Islam. We have also taken a look at Christian denominations and how they interact with Buddhism.In our research we have found that Christianity and other religions in this new way of living, we all are challenge to face an inevitable change. Social and new technology is responsible for new changes. In these religions, pivotal doctrines are the points in which Christianity and Is lam disagree. Christianity has a connection to Israel that is almost as strong as Judaism. Some styles of denomination, emphasizes very little doctrinal differences. But more often, they simply offer different styles of worship.
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