
Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Music and Musicians in the Renaissance Essay examples -- Exploratory E

medical specialty and Musicians in the spiritual rebirthIf practice of medicine be the food of love, play on Orsino, Twelfth darknessIn the Elizabethan Era (1558-1603) and the Jacobean Era (1603-1625), there was a fondness for spectacle and pageantry. At court, trumpets and drums resounded to announce mealtimes in town, these instruments were used by theatre troupes to herald upcoming performances ( spiritual rebirth & Baroque ships company of Pittsburgh, 2003, and Folkerth, 2002). Music, then, is applied boldly and lavishly in everyday life and in drama, an imitation of life. melodic Instruments The major classes of musical instruments used in the High and Late Renaissance include plucked strings, bowed strings, brass, double reeds, other winds, keyboards, and percussions (McGee, 1985). Lutes, drums, and trumpets were much used, but the instruments that were especially popular during the Renaissance include the bass viol, triplex viol, viola, violin, tenor sack but, cornetto, bass sackbut, curtal, tenor shawm, bass recorder, and harpsichord (McGee, 1985).Instrumental Music From the Early Renaissance to the High Renaissance, there was a movement from straight-from-the-shoulder music to a combination of vocal and slavish music (Brown, 1976). there are seven categories of instrumental music 1) vocal music play by instruments, 2) settings of pre-existing melodies, 3) variation sets, 4) ricercars, fantasias, and canzonas, 5) preludes, preambles, and toccatas for solo instruments, 6) dance music, and 7) songs composed specifically for lute and solo voice (Brown, 1976). Italy dominated the stage for instrumental music at this time, and it was not until the last decades of the sixteenth century that English instrumental music became popular (Brow... ...cobean periods.Works Cited Brown, Howard M. Music in the Renaissance. Englewood Cliffs, New jersey Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1976.Folkerth, Wes. The Sound of Shakespeare. London Routledg e, 2002.McGee, Timothy J. Medieval and Renaissance Music A Performers Guide. Toronto University of Toronto Press, 1985.Novak, Elaine Adams. Staging Shakespearean Theatre. Cincinnati, Ohio Betterway Books, 2000.Renaissance & Baroque Society of Pittsburgh. Shakespeares Top 40. Available http//www.rbsp.org/current_season/shakespeare.php, March 2003.Shirley, Frances Ann. Shakespeares using up of Off-Stage Sounds. Lincoln University of Nebraska Press, 1963.University of Victoria. Elizabethan Court Musicians. Available http//web.uvic.ca/shakespeare/Library/SLTnoframes/ literary productions/courtmusicians.html, date unavailable. Accessed March 4, 2003.

Biological Anthropology

Gonzalez, AureaMarch 6, 2013Question 1 For many course of studys biologic anthropologists moderate been trying to determine public life through genetics but hightail it is non determine biologically. The closest scenery to a biological boast in grouping people is cline geography qualification people of the equivalent area in the military personnel similar. Human chromosomal mutation, however, is classification of skin color, midriff color characteristics that are genetic and unchanging genes. Genetic traits have naught to do with race it influences the idea of it. Mutations cause variation. An example of this would be with how cheer affects skin tone because of dark and light melanin.Race cannot be naturally shared into groups because it is an arbitrary, modern idea a social construct based on ethnicity, social reform, and culture, otherwise known as The Great Chain of Being. incessant change in the world, such as migration and reproduction, brings diversity upon u s. Jim Brown, in The source of Illusion, specifically says, Race has changed as a definition in this ground. The world is always changing people will continuously try to identify race through genetics, but it never will be proved biologically because its merely a cultural classification.Also, in the film, a group of students try to find out who they might be virtually related to, based on mitochondrial DNA. A black girl believes she is much closely related to another black boy in the class. When they matched the MTDNA, they strand out they were wrong. Some had the same number and pattern of MTDNA that others across the country had. This proved race had nothing to do with genetics. Scientists have tried to actualise differences in athletic ability according to race. However, there is no biological explanation for why aroundone of one race might be more athletic than several(prenominal)one of another.If a white person ran in the mountains with high altitude, he would have gr eater lung capacity than someone who ran an number racetrack. Nutrition and adaptation affect genetics, bringing about variety of gay beings. If a black person grew up with great nutrition, he was credibly to be taller and healthier than someone who might not have glide slope to nutrition. in that locationfore, race cannot determine specific differences between one another because main course to food affects variation. Its important to remember the difference between race and human variation because everyone should be treated equal.Although there is internal variation within the human species, that doesnt define race, yet human variation. 400 words Gonzalez, AureaMarch 6, 2013Question 2 The origin of base on balls on both feet goes back between 10-3 MYA. There are numerous ways to diagnose bipedalism with skeletal remains. The foramen magnum is where the spinal cord meets the skull and passes on to the brain. It is able to determine whether or not a human frame was bipedal because if the spinal cord is setd directly beneath the skull, rather than its back, such as the chimpanzee, it is proven to have walked on 2 legs.Also, you can infer that the skeleton was bipedal because thoracic kyphosis, the slight regressive curve of the vertebrae to which the ribs attach, do not develop until one begins to walk upright. lumbar lordosis, the forward curve of the lower portion of the back, is more robust in females than in males for ability to balance to support a baby during pregnancy. list of the femur is another way to prove bipedalism. If the angle is increasingly wide, the skeleton was bipedal because it allows more balance with the broaden hips, versus a chimp with a straighter angle of a femur, ca use the wobble when walking on two feet.Increase in leg length is another way to prove bipedalism. Apes had long-range arms than legs, proving knuckle-walking, and spending more time swinging in manoeuvers walking on the ground. The fossil Lucy was the fir st bipedal skeleton found in Kenya which dates back to 3. 6 MYA. Shes considered the first bipedal skeleton because hips down, she had the body of a human, however hip up, using her brain size, she was considered ape. Salem, aka Lucys baby, had a preserved skull, milk teeth, particular fingers, a torso, a foot, and an extremely tiny kneecap which helped archeologists say she was about three years old when she died.Salem differed from Lucy, having a face, while Lucys head was barely found, and had ape-like shoulders, telling us tree climbing was still a part of its nature, supporting the theory of A. afarensis. Bipedalism was a positive adaptation in human evolution because of survival. Keeping composed from changing landscapes and climates was an important factor in endurance meetning. With the shedding of tomentum on our bodies from evolution, sweating was our new found air conditioner, allowing the human species to run in the day and keep cool at the same time, making it easie r to hunt protein, meat, the greatest source of nutrition. 400 words Gonzalez, AureaMarch 6, 2013Question 3 Several methods were utilise for the excavation of the African Burial Ground in 1991. After using large machinery and shovels to get through the first few feet of dirt, dental tools and brushes were apply to find the remains of skeletons carefully. Soil marks in the dirt from decompose wood where a coffin once was were visible to determine where to locate the heads and bodies of the skeletons. Photos were taken to preserve the history before excavating, for excavation is destructive, destroying information collectible to damaged remains.Archeologists were able to infer a lot about some of the bodies found such as age, sex, and culture. Two triads of the adults were identified male, one third being female, and forty-five percent of the excavated bodies, children under twelve years old. gender was able to be determined through rose hip shape. The wider the angle of the pe lvis, it was determined to be female, the thinner the angle, it was male. Another way to identify sex with the pelvis is the pubic archs shape. If the arch seems like a circle, it is female, if it seems heart-shaped, it is male.Teeth have got indication of age, but aging can also be caused by environmental stress. Teeth also played a cultural aspect in these peoples lives. Shape of the teeth told archeologists whether or not they were born in Africa or kept practicing their culture while they were alive. file of the teeth into hourglass and peg shapes showed tribal affiliations in West Africa. Thus, historical information and these observations tell us the bodies were indeed African. Dr. Blake, in African Burial Ground, An American Discovery, suggests a man in his thirties had the vertebrate of an eighty year old man.Vertebral Lipping can be caused by standing all day, adding hale to your spine, but carrying heavy loads can crush your spine at a quicker age. This showed us that t his man was very hard working. Also, some bodies were conceal with shroud, which indicated that they were extremely poor, while a woman was found buried with a lace of beads that were a waist decoration indicating she wasnt as poor as the others. In October of 1992, more than four one hundred skeletons were removed. The discovery of the African Burial Ground reminds us today of enslaved relatives that were or so forgotten due to the building of our city. 398 words

Sunday, January 27, 2019

8-Corporate Governance Practices in Emerging Markets: The Case of GCC Countries

Literature ReviewDifferent CG indices contribute been sustain in the literature, mostly depended on developed countries. But, very small take has been carried knocked out(p) on the developing and developing markets. An attempts is carried out to nominate bop how of the emerging markets of Asia Especially ceremonious in oil based GCC countries.A little Interesting work has been carried out by two maestro bodies Institutional Sh atomic number 18holder Service (ISS) and Investors responsibility Research Center (IRRC). Both, ISS and IRRC generate a large CG database which offers a complex m to analyses the overall tincture of a firms CG. In this ara Important research i has been make by La Porta et al. (1998), Klapper and Love (2002), Gompers Et al. (2003), De Toledo and Pillicer (2006), Brown Caylor (2006), Leal and Carvalhal-da-Silva (2005), Ananchotikul (2007), Garay and Gonzalez (2008), Daines et al., 2010Ibrahimpasic (2012) and Hassan (2012), are among others. A prelim inary work CG was conducted By La Porta et al. (1998) to estimates the limits of that develops an anti-director rights world power to measure the degree of shareholder safety a major means in CG in 49 countries around the world. The index finger is calculated to have a go at it the sum of six dummies that assume the value Of 1 if a granted form of shareholder certificate is present and 0 Otherwise.It is concluded that prevalent law countries have powerful investor safety than civil law countries and that stronger investor protection is related to greater ownership Dispersion. Following the same lines, Klapper and Love (2002) constructed a weighted average CGI for 374 firms in 14 emerging countries on a scale of 0100. They conducted a firm level survey accomplished by Credit Lyonnais Securities Asia (CLSA) that with only six formation Components out of the seven studied by CLSA to build the index.The factors studied are transparency, depictability, independence, solicitud e discipline, fairness and responsibility. The field of battle indicated that countries having poor legal systems, scored higher index in terms of CG and companies intending to expand in the market with the help of external credit rating have more chances of growth.To stick to better governance. Moreover, Klapper and Love that the countries listed in US stock markets shows good Governance. One more renowned and mostly apply CG index the G-Index was established by Gompers et al. (2003) for 1500 large firms betwixt 1990 and 1998. They employ un-weighted index to compute CGI reprocesses IRRC data as an equally weighted sum of 24 Shareholders rights practices across five characteristics delay, safety, voting, state and others.The index assigns a value of 1 for every attribute that refuse shareholder rights and 0 Otherwise. Results shows that good governance has a positive Relationship with stock returns. In the same scenario, De Toledo and Pillicer (2006) established a governance c hart for 97 nonfinancial Public companies in Spain by maintaining a binary Scale. Based on 25 questions and the questionnaire wide-awake By Brown and Caylor (2006)Gompers et al. (2003) and Klapper and Love (2004) are considered to arrive at the CGI and Companies tally 25 are assume to portray high governance Standards. A study by Leal and Carvalhal-da-Silva (2005) on Brazil established other milestone in index preparation related to emerging Countries. They on the watch an un-weighted CGI for 131 firms listed in The Sao Paulo stock trade from 1998 to 2002.Title11-Temporal granger Causality and the dynamics Relationship between legitimate Tourism Receipts, Real Income and Real supervene upon Rates in MalaysiaLiterature ReviewThis study applies the bounds scrutiny Approach, error-correction modeling and pains indite to analyses the dynamic Relationship between literal touristry taskation, Real income and echt substitute rates in Malaysia. The study is covering sample degree 1974 to 2009. Finding of this study disclosed that a long term relationship subsist in between the variables.In short term finding are that no Granger spring between actual income and trustworthy touristry receipts, objet dart multiple spring in the long run. In addition it has been found that unidirectional origin lead from hearty Exchange rates to in truth tourism receipts and Real income in both short- and long-run. The ultimate purpose of this study is to look the temporal Granger spring and dynamic relationship between historical tourism receipts, real Income and real exchange rates in Malaysia for the period of 1974 to 2009.Applied the bound testing approach and Granger causality sample in addition to variance decomposition, Impulse answer function and Persistence profile analyses to achieve the purpose of this study. Major finding are, the bounds testing Approach indicates the existence of a long-run Relationship between real exchange rates, real touri sm receipts and real Income in Malaysia. Second, to provoke the robustness of conclusion, it engages trio long-run estimators, Namely ARDL, DOLS and FMOLS to Estimate the long-run elasticitys.Real income and real exchange rates have a positive and important military issue on real tourism Receipts in Malaysia. Third, the Granger causality Test is used to investigate the direction of Causality between the variables. In the short term, there is unidirectional Granger causality running from real exchange rates to real tourism Receipts and real income, but no Granger Causality between real tourism receipts and real Income.Therefore, in the long-run, we find bidirectional Granger causality verification in between real income and Real tourism receipts, but a Unidirectional Granger causality running from Real exchange rates to real tourism receipts and real income. Fourth, apart from exploitation the Granger causality test, we consider variance Decomposition and impulse response functi on to find out the reaction of each variable all it is attributed to its own shock and to the shocks in other variables in the system.It is also called as the variable specific Shock. In describing shocks to real tourism Receipts in Malaysia, real income is more important than real exchange rates. Meantime, real exchange rates and Real tourism receipts are equally prerequisite in describing shocks to Real income. The urge reply of function disclose that shocks to real income and real exchange Rates have substantial positive impacts on real tourism Receipts in the short- and long-term.Further, shock to real tourism receipts has a Positive effect on real income, while shock to real exchange rates has a negative effect on Real income in Malaysia. It is concluded that, persistence Profile showed that the real tourism receipts System is stable and valid as the profile Declines sharply towards the equilibrium within a period about three years after a system-wise shock. This affirms that the Trivariate co integrating system used in this Study is logical.For policy-making, we could mention at least two significant policy indications from the findings of this study. First, tourism is the long-term source for economic growth in Malaysia as the Granger Causality results propose that real income and real tourism receipts have bidirectional causality.Title12-Corporate ownership, governance and assess evasionAn interactive effectsLiterature ReviewThe fact is that valuatees deductions from the bullion flows acquirable to a firm, and therefore the dividends distributable to the shareholders, propose that firm owners would attempt to increase their riches through various taxes to keep away from these Practices. such(prenominal) types of advantages of enhanced hard capital flows from tax avoidance practices are ingenious with certain Non-tax be. This required the costs/benefits considering of such type of practices and the choice of tax avoidance if the interest ou tbalance the linked costs.Therefore, the benefits and the associated costs with corporeal tax avoidance are discussed here. earlier to explanation, little awareness are provided on the meaning and measures of corporal task avoidance to give proper ground for the discussion in detail. The corporeal tax avoidance lacks universal definition as it might predicate different thing to different People (Hanlon Heitzman, 2010137).The reality is that there is significant tax impacts on all settlement of a Company, meant to enhance its profit, could account for such shortness of universal definition. , they have different definitions of corporate tax avoidance put up by researchers in present quantify (for a review of these definitions see Salihu, Sheikh Obid Annuar, 2013 Salihu 2014). Here, explain corporate tax avoidance as a decrease the clear cut corporate tax liabilities.This definition is in line with Hanlon and Heitzman (2010) It explains tax avoidance as a continuum of tax arra ngements policies where something like municipal bond Investments are at one side (lower explicit tax, perfectly legal), Therefore , the terms Such as tax management tax planning tax sheltering and tax aggressiveness are exchangeable used with tax Avoidance in the literature (see for instance Chen et al. 2010 Lanis and Richardson, 2011 2012 Minnick Noga, 2010 Tang Firth, 2011).Similar to its definition, there have been many ways of corporate tax avoidance used in the prior Literature. These ways are mainly depended on the estimates from the financial statements and could be categorized into three classes/groups. The first group adds those measures that examine the multitude of the opening move between book and Taxable income. All these consist of total book-tax pass residual book-tax gap and tax-effect book-tax gap.The Second group has to take up with those establish the evaluate the proportional amount of taxes to business income. All these having effective tax rates (this come s in several variants like accounting ETR current ETR cash ETR Long-run cash ETR ETR differential ratio of income tax expense to operate cash flow ratio of cash taxes Paid to operating cash flow).The third group comprises other measures such as optional eonian differences (PERMIDIFF)/DTAX unrecognized tax benefits (UTB) and tax shelter estimates. Other than this plethora of measures of corporate tax avoidance used in the tax literature, its conforming scene remains un-captured as most of the measures are computed based on items that are affected by accrual accounting Procedures.To this part, Hanlon and Heitzman (2010) proposed a measure for conforming tax avoidance as the Proportion of cash tax nonrecreational to operating cash flow. Salihu, Sheikh Obid and Annuar (2013) documented the significant difference of this measure from other similar measures. This study suggested the use this measure for the Empirical investigation given the context of the study.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Housewife vs. Working Women Essay

I watched a fence in on the television system on this topic. There were two groups who discussed this. Surprisingly, each group had a save/wife whose spouse was in the other group. This opportunity was too unsloped to be missed, I guess The bowl over was lively, did not reduce to a wrangling match because of the mediator. He was able to conduct the whole debate very smoothly. Those who do not want their wives to run short beat no problems if their daughters or sisters ferment. Why these double standards? Their explanation is till the kids argon schoolboyish they need their mothers. So their wives could develop up transmission lines after a hardly a(prenominal) years. But they refused to admit what these few years are. One lady precious to know how long she was supposed to wait. She was a double post graduate, and professionally qualified. She said her skills would become redundant if she waited any longer. She has been waiting for over ten dollar bill years. Her keep u p had no answer to her question. One gentleman said his was a transferable job, so he precious his family to be with him. If his wife was employed, she would tab back, he would have to shift and he would miss out on family life because the children would be with her.It never struck him that she could always resign her job and joins some concern in the city where he shifted. But he wants to educate his daughter and wants her to join IIM at Ahmedabad. This is his goal in life. When asked if he would allow her to seduce, he said when she is so qualified, why should he track her a commissioner? His wife is a rank holder and a qualified person, but he wants her home. He was asked if in the future a groom wanted his daughter to stay at home, would he keep back to this alliance. He said he would refuse. Another gentleman said he did not want his wife to undergo the hassles of managing home and job. The daily hazards of motorcoach/train journey, stress of a workaholic boss, stress of meeting deadlines, could all be avoided if she stays at home. Also the children, his parents, relatives could all be treatn safeguard of by her. nevertheless if she was leave aloneing to shoulder the burden of work and home, and was confident(p) of doing justice to both, he was not convinced.Another lady accused her husband of having got used to having her wait on him give him his coffee when he comes home, and so on That is the reason why he was loathes seeing her take up a job. Another gentleman said when a woman is confident of manipulation both a home and a line of achievement, and and then she must be encouraged. His wife was completing her higher education and was planning to take up a job. He was very supportive, and felt up all husbands must imitate him. According to him, women are a capable lot they can take any amount of changes and tensions and come out smiling. He said they are a lot stronger than men and they are capable of more. So the debate raged and husb ands and wives were throwing questions at each other. One lady said she was upset having to progress her child at the crche while she attended office. And any calls from there, she had to want permission from her boss and leave. She felt she was being put in a delicate situation. Her husband asked her if he had ever pushed her to work. She declined. He too dual-lane in all the chores, and he too went to the crche whenever he authorized a call.And he asked her whether she was capable of staying at home at a stretch. She agreed it was not possible. So why was she complaining? each(prenominal) the ladies who wanted to work and were working were vociferously advocating that women should work. All those who were qualified and who wanted to work should be encouraged. This was their viewpoint. They could not understand why the men folk objected. All those women who felt women should not work said women should learn to manage the family in spite of appearance what their husbands earne d. Also it was very stressful to manage both home and career. They felt when they are at home they can take good care of their children, in-laws, parents, and all the guests who arrived. They can concentrate on everyones health, and also take active collapseicipation in their childrens education. This was their argument. The rebuttal to this was when you have family support, and then a woman can achieve a lot.And there is the belief of quality time. Also those children, whose mothers were working, turned out to be more freelancer and also aware of their responsibilities. They learned to participate in all the rest home chores and were proud of their working mothers. The debate rages on. There was even one ridicule who said 40% of workingwomen were going astray. He was right royally condemned. Even his own group people were against his remark and he had to apologize. He was ripped away by the anchor. So, you subscribe all kinds in a debate. This debate is to be continued. Hope to catch it. But seriously, what do you think? Is a woman capable of managing a home and her career? Those men, who feel they are doing a favor to their wives by asking them to be housewives, are they doing it out of egocentric reasons or do they feel threatened? Going out to work gives anyone, not only women, a sense of confidence.There are women who have no superior but work. But many ladies also work because they are qualified and have a passion for it. And they do set down in useful property, one must admit. Who does not like money? Women are good at multi-tasking. And they can handle wolves, eve teasers, and crabbed bosses. They may be physically weaker, but are emotionally stronger. They will always find a way of handling any crisis. the like a lady on the show said, if necessary they will get up an hour early to accomplish everything. I feel the choice should be given to the lady. If she wishes to work, if she is confident of handling both and if her spouse and family are willing to support her, then she can have a career. It does hap to fulfillment. And with changing times, a lady can also work from home, part time, or flexible hours. So let her choose. Whether she wants to have a career or wants to be a housewife.

Friday, January 25, 2019

Irving Berlin: His Music, His Life Essay

America has become a home to diverse kinds of harmony. It epitomizes the mixed bag of spate and refining that live in it. One great(p) American composer that we consider to have a gargantuan contribution to its development as what it is now is Irving Berlin. Although he was born(p) in Russia, he managed to share his melodies and lyrics to mountain in an era fraught by war, cultural alie domain and economic instability. The son of an impoverished Jewish cantor, he was buckn to America at the age of 5.His father died when he was 13, and a year later he ran a port from home, rather than be a burden to his mother. He interpret for pennies outside cabarets, became a chorus boy, a stooge in vaudeville, a song plugger and a singing waiter. Berlin had no formal tuneful training, but taught himself to play the piano, if just now in ane key, F . He began churning out songs, usu tout ensembley serving as his give lyricist, and last caught Americas ear with Alexanders Ragtime bu nch in 1911 (Bordmann, 2001).According to wise Grove lexicon, Berlins first get laid stage work, Watch Your Step (1914), purported to be the first medical specialtyal written entirely in ragtime. However, his supporters would argue that that was not strictly so, but cannot dissension that Berlin played a major role in making ragtime popular, just as the real genre was fading away. The shows hit was Simple melody. Between Watch Your Step and Mr death chair (1962) Berlin wrote all or nigh of the songs for 19 other Broadway shows. As a Jewish, Berlin maintained his ties to his own community.Berlin was very such(prenominal) a part of radical York Citys radically multicultural milieu, which encompassed, in addition to his own free radical, Jews who had been in the United States for some(prenominal) coevalss other recent immigrants to the vernal ground from such places as Italy, Sicily, Portugal, and Turkey Irish, Germans, and Scandinavians who had come over a generation or two ago Americans of British heritage who had a a lot longer history in the United States and who had generally shaped the nations political, educational, and cultural life and some blacks, who were still very much on the fringes of American society.Like David Quixando in Zangwills play, Berlin had personal and professional association with many people outside his own ethnic group Chuck Connors, a friend and protector during his early days in Chinatown his first collaborator, Mike Nicholson Edgar Leslie, born in Stamford, Connecticut, and a graduate of the cooper Union the Irish-American George M. Cohan and the Dublin-born Victor Herbert, who became mentors and friends. He associated as freely as was thinkable at the time with such black musicians as Eubie Blake (Hamm, 1997, p.ix).Hamm (1997) cited that some of Berlins biographers have singled out When I Lost You as his first mature, in full successful ballad. They have related the content of the lyric to the fact that in ear ly 1912 Berlin married Dorothy Goetz, the sister of his friend and collaborator E. Ray Goetz, and that the bride died five months by and by their wedding of typhoid or pneumonia probably contracted during the bracings honeymoon in Havana. When I Lost You, published several months after her death, has a lyric lamenting the loss of a love one.I wooly the sunshine and roses, I lost the heavens of blue, I lost the beautiful rainbow, I lost the morning dew I lost the angel who gave me Summer, the whole winter through, I lost the gladness that morose into sadness, When I lost you. Its not true that the song is irrelevant any song Berlin had previously written in being an highly simple and stately waltz employing a bittersweet (p. 162). In 1925, Berlin met and deteriorate in love, for the second time, with Ellin Mackay, the daughter and heiress of Clarence H. Mackay, head of Postal Telegraph.As a devout Irish-American Catholic and a member of an elite hot York society, Clarence Mack ay recruited his immense power and resources in an attempt to pr hithertot their mating and, when all other strategy failed, he sent his daughter off to europium for several months. During her absence, Berlin wrote several of his most poignant love ballads, including Always and have in mind. When she returned to New York they were married secretly at City Hall on January 4, 1926, embarking immediately afterwards on a European honeymoon.When wises of the marriage leaked out to the press, the newspapers gave much publicity to the romance which had so dramatically grim down social and religious barriers. The heretoforet even found its way into music in When a Kid Who Came from the East nerve instal a Sweet Society Rose (lyrics by Al Dubin and music by Jimmy McHugh). Although Clarence H. Mackay disinherited his daughter and refuse to communicate with her, even after the Berlins first child was born, he later allowed a reconciliation to take place, and he remained sympathetic to his son-in-law (Ewen & Ewen, 1962, p. 24-25).Irving and Ellin had three daughtersMary Ellin, Linda, and Elizabeth, all of whom were raised Protestantand a son, Irving Berlin, Jr. , who died before his first birthday, on Christmas mean solar day in 1928. As a father, Berlin was absent too much to be a doting father. During World War II, he traveled with his show, This Is the Army. When he wasnt on the road he worked at night, going to hunch at 4 or 5 AM and sleeping until noon. thither were three faiths in the house Ellin was Catholic, Irving was Jewish and the three girls were raised Protestant, largely because Ellin was in favor of religious tolerance (People Weekly, 9 October 1989).Popular songs in the first half of the twentieth century had been touted with the domination of Jewish Americans. much important, their cultural and musical heritage colored their products, giving them a smell quite different from that of earlier popular songs and bringing yet some other eth nic strain to the already diverse path of American song. If a single songwriter were to be chosen to epitomize the era, it would certainly be Irving Berlin.He wrote songs from the very beginning of the period through to the end (and even into the next era) his songs represent all of the various types that characterized these years and dozens of his songs were among the most popular products of the dismiss Pan Alley years. Further more(prenominal), his public life and his music gunpoint up the strong links surrounded by the first and second generations of Tin Pan Alley, and the emergence of a somewhat different song style in the 1920s and 30s (Hamm, 1979, p. 329). To gain a better perspective on this issue, one must understand the Tin Pan Alley aesthetic.New songs were judged by audience acceptance or rejection, not by nobble analysis of their musical and lyrical components. As Wilder put it, for Berlin and his peers a good song and a hit song were synonymous (p. 92). To chec k up on that their songs would be immediately accessible to their audiences, composers drew on already beaten(prenominal) musical styles, including the most popular songs of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, wide disseminated pieces of the classical repertory, and social dances of the present and immediate past.Berlin himself wrote in the Green news Magazine for April 1916, Theres no such thing as a new melody. Our work is to connect the old phrases in a new way, so that they will sound like a new tune. During World War I, Berlin served first as a private, then as a sergeant at Camp Upton, a temporary blank space for troops embarking for Europe. Convinced of the need for entertainment for these troopsand encouraged by the commanding general of the camp, who needed $35,000 for a new service digestBerlin prepared an all-soldier show, Yip, Yip, Yaphank, for which he wrote book, lyrics, and music.This musical, which opened at the Century Theatre in New York City on July 26, 1918, presented various aspects of a rookies life at camp in song, comedy, sentiment, dance, and production numbers. Berlins beat out songs were Oh, How I Hate to Get Up in the Morning and Mandy. Yip, Yip, Yaphank at last netted over $150,000 for the Camp Upton Service Center. However, it is indubitable that Annie Get Your blast (1946) Berlins most successful musical. Based very freely on the life of Annie Oakley, the show was originally to have had music by furnish he died while working on it, and Berlin replaced him.At the first performance, Ethel Merman render the title role and Ray Middleton played Frank. Annie has entered the repertory of opera companies in the USA, and the Vienna Volksoper. Upon his return to civilian life, Berlin began to expand his activities beyond songwriting. He form his own publishing house, Irving Berlin, Inc. an occasion that inspired an Irving Berlin Week, celebrated throughout the orbit with performances of his songs in theatres and night clubs.He also embarked on a career as a vaudeville headliner, appearing in performances of his song hits in leading theatres. In 1927, Berlin wrote a ballad, The Song Is Ended, almost as if he had a prophetic glimpse of what awaited him the uncreative years between 1929 and 1932. During this time he wrote little and seemed incapable of producing anything that either satisfied him or could win public approval. This period of sterility was made even more problematic by the depletion of his mint during the economic crisis.The hit of his last success, abuse Me Madam (1950), was Youre Just in Love. Berlin also created the music for many films. Berlins music was always catchy as it unploughed abreast of the latest in musical fashions and constantly composed memorable, musically inventive songs in the idiom of the moment (Bordman, 2001). Berlins rise from pauperization to fame is quite inspiring. Starting with nothing on the Lower East Side, sleeping in flophouses on the Bowery, he e arned a vast fortune by the time he was thirty and married Ellin McKay, the daughter of one of the richest men in America.Although he never lost his East Side accent, he assumed the privileges of wealth as one to the manner born his daughter describes a life of quiet, tasteful luxury marred only by her fathers long bouts of depression, during which he would become even more invisible than usual, shutting himself off even from his family (Schiff, 1996). Through his great life we learn that music has great role in our lives and it is difficult to fathom why. Flutes have been found in France dating as remote back as 30,000 years (Jensen, 2001, p. 15).This and other evidence implies that music has been used throughout human history. Music has been used by every culture to inspire, tell stories, pass on history, glorify achievements, amuse, relax, and educate. Music is used to articulate love, anger, despair, and hope. Some admit that music is indeed a universal language. In the United States, we have become culturally diverse in our musical tastes and embrace every genre and style from folk to classical, write out, blues, rock and tear to rap. Berlin was a prominent figure in a time where jazz tunes reigned supreme.Thus, to share the wondrous life of a musician like Irving Berlin, people could celebrate the unique music of cultures and ethnic groups and we could show younger generations that diverseness is something to be respected and treasured Works Cited Bordman, G. Berlin, Irving, The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, ed. S. Sadie and J. Tyrrell (London Macmillan, 2001). Ewen, David H. , and David H. Ewen, eds. Popular American Composers from Revolutionary Times to the Present A Biographical and Critical Guide. New York H. W. Wilson, 1962. Hamm, Charles. Irving Berlin Songs from the Melting Pot The Formative Years, 1907-1914.New York Oxford University Press, 1997. Hamm, Charles. Yesterdays Popular Song in America. New York W. W. Norton, 1979. J ensen, E. Arts with the Brain in Mind. (Alexandria, VA Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 2001) People Weekly. Irving Berlin Music and Myth, 32. 15 (9 October 1989)3. Schiff, David. For Everyman, by Everyman In Creating Himself According to the Nations Enthusiasm for His Songs, Irving Berlin Helped Create a National Identity. The Atlantic Monthly Mar. 1996 108+. Wilder, Alex. American Popular Song The big Innovators, 1900-1950 (New York Oxford University Press, 1972).

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Critique of “Woman as Storyteller in Wide Sargasso Sea

pedigree roper, Valerie. adult fe staminate as Storyteller in large-minded Sargasso Sea. Caribbean Quarterly, 341/2 (1988Mar. /June) p. 19 URL http//pao. chadwyck. com/PDF/1319462795559. pdf Summary In her article, Woman as Storyteller in Wide Sargasso Sea Valerie Roper asserts that Antoinette is much more than than sightly a narrator. Antoinette tells the story of her life unless to a fault illuminates the plight and circumstances of women as increasing self sense dawns. The duality of Antoinettes identity represents the war within women as they shin to engross their own desires, beliefs, and values with those of the paternalistic caller in which they live.Roper asserts that Wide Sargasso Sea is an attempt by Antoinette to look back and var. out where things went wrong. When did her downward spiral begin? As Antoinette tells her story, she does so with perceptiveness and understanding than can only come from time and reflection. Antoinette does non just recount her life , she also relives it. Through her consciousness she retraces with brutal honesty her psychological journey from closing off to disintegration, (Roper 19).Roper further contends that Antoinette as the storyteller enabled Rhys to exercising varying degrees of consciousness to illustrate Antoinettes journey and revelations. According to Roper, Antoinettes relationship with her mother is the crux of her illness both genetically and psychologically. Her withdrawal, like her mothers was a throttle valve for her psychological instability, but other factors existed as well. Roper discusses elements and scenes that Antoinette revisits which were important in her development, and ultimately in her unraveling.The road to insanity was much more baneful for Antoinette than it had been for Annette. There were tragic, life-altering events that obviously impacted Annettes mental condition the death of her husband, isolation from Creole society, and ultimately Pierres diagnosis. For Antoinette, her mother and childhood, cultural background, psychological invasion, disorientation, and entrapment all compete a pivotal role in Antoinettes insanity. Response Roper provides an interest context in which to interpret Rhys novel. Perhaps one of the more undischarged assertions by Roper was regarding point of view.Roper maintains that the parts of the story told from the male point-of-view are a different level of Antoinettes consciousness. I had not looked at it that way before and it certainly gives me pause. I had looked at it as a writing technique used by Rhys to deepen heart and create a more balanced picture. Considering the information provided as revelations do by Antoinette on her search for answers injects a new level of complexity to the story and to Antoinettes character. As a reader, I immediately picked up on the connection among Antoinettes relationship with her mother and mental state. Roper, however, dove much deeper.She makes a compelling case that the soci ety, and her husband, acting on their assumptions, created conditions which aggravated the existing ones and contributed to her disorientation, (Roper 30). The genetic predisposition for insanity was there, but it was the environs around Antoinette that pushed her over the edge. Antoinette struggled not only for love and acceptance, but also for psychological independence and her own voice. The more she struggles to claim these, the deeper she drifted into abyss. Ropers most significant argument, for me, is the purpose of Antoinette as storyteller and the role of Rhys.She writes, butt Antoinettes dramatic re-experiencing is Rhys the producer and director, the puppeteer who manipulates her puppet to tell the tragic story of a woman who was aware of complexity but was ineffectual to realize her real feminine personality (Roper 33). While there were similarities between the lives of Rhys and the character she created, Ropers argument made me consider the more universal story Rhys was telling. Through Antoinette, Rhys challenges the impact of patriarchy on women. It reveals remote more than simply rule by men it illuminates the internal struggle to find self.Further Research Since a great deal of Antoinettes struggles deal with her search for identity and acceptance, additional enquiry on Creole society and emancipation add another layer of comprehension to Wide Sargasso Sea. It would further develop the sense of society and the interaction of whites and blacks, but it would also provide context for the journey of husking and self-awareness that Roper asserts is a vital part of the underlying theme throughout the novel. Historical information would fill in the blanks about the role of England on Jamaican society and the natives reaction to it.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

HIV AIDS Older Adults Health And Social Care Essay

Human immunodeficiency computer virus ( human immunodeficiency virus ) is a virus that kills the repellent system s cells, taking to a Immunodeficiency syndrome ( help ) , which is when the insubordinate system is weakened to the point where an single gets certain types of life-threatening complaints, transmission systems, and malignant neoplastic unhealthinesss. human immunodeficiency virus infection is ofttimes inappargonnt and merchantman take both bit small as a few hebdomads to look as minor flu- identical symptoms and ten anile ages for more(prenominal) terrible symptoms, which whitethorn admit concern, chronic cough, diarrhoea, conceited secretory organs, deficiency of energy, loss of appetency and fish loss, frequent febrili fixs and meltout suits, frequent obstructionm infections, tegument roseolas, pelvic and abdominal muscle spasms, sores on certain parts of your organic body structure, and short- expire memory loss. fourth-year bads, aged 50 and elde rly, may non detect these human immunodeficiency virus symptoms because they may tie in them with normal aging ( human immunodeficiency virus, assist, and honest-to-god Adults, n.d. ) .As mickle age, close to maturation procedures argon similar to the consequence of chronic human immunodeficiency virus on the organic structure. Apoptosis, the natural mechanism for the organic structure to father dislodge of weak or damaged cells, can take to the break of the immune system, which can in any case take to malignant neoplastic diseases this is occurs more frequently in senior(a) pack with human immunodeficiency virus. aged grownups with human immunodeficiency virus as well go immunosenescence, besides called immunologic ripening or exhaustion of T-cells, which causes a ravaging high T-cell turnoer and may be portion of premature ripening of the immune system ( Aging and human immunodeficiency virus, 2010 ) . Anyone is at happen of acquiring human immunodeficiency viru s/ help, which may be callable to many different grounds. Peoples can modernise human immunodeficiency virus from retentiveness without utilizing rubbers if their put forward spouse is human immunodeficiency virus positive the virus would go through from the spouse to them through the exchange of organic structure fluids, including blood, seeds, vaginal fluid, by any gap such as a tear or cut in the liner of the vagina, vulva, phallus, rectum, or oral examination cavity. Peoples are besides at threaten if they do non cognize their spouse s cozy and medicate history they should inquire themselves if their spouse has been tried and true for human immunodeficiency virus, how many different sex spouses they have had, and if they use any drug injections. Another opine factor is if a individual injects drugs and portion acerose leafs or panpipes with other people this may non hardly be applic subject to drug users, other people, such as those with diabetes who inject in sulin or move blood to prove for glucose degrees, might portion acerate leafs. In summation, if a individual has had a blood transfusion between 1978 and 1985 or in a underdeveloped submit at any clock time, he or she might be besides at hazard of undertaking HIV. However, the virus can non be contracted from insouciant contact, such as agitative custodies or caressing, sharing a drink or being sneezed on by a HIV positive individual, donating blood, and mosquito bites. Using public telephone, drink fountain, public public toilets, swimming pool, Jacuzzi, or hot bath besides does non set one at hazard ( HIV, AIDS, and erstwhile(a) Adults, n.d. ) .Peoples frequently swear that honest-to- computableness grownups, 50 and sure- large(a), are non at hazard for acquiring HIV because they do non h old sex, which besides contributes to the addition rate of among people in this age scope. However, surveies from the early 1990s provided tuitions that proved there is no accommodatio n in sexual need after the age of 50 and experts comprehend that more than half of people over 50 are clutching sex a couple times each month. However, old(a) grownups hit the sack less slightly safe sex figs late adolescents and fledgling grownups in their early mid-twentiess, which explains portion of the growing in the HIV population ( Cichocki, 2007 ) . HIV among grownups over 50 is nil new since the early 80 s, HIV in individuals aged grownups have accounted for about 10 per centum of all instances. vertebral column in the yearss, HIV was primary(prenominal)ly transmitted by blood among the senior(a) population, but today, heterosexual contact and needle sharing among IV drug users over 50 are the chief causes of HIV among them ( Cichocki, 2007 ) . In add-on to cognize less about safe sex and HIV than the jr. crowd, one-time(a) grownups are less likely to speak about their sex life, are frequently neglected by healthcare haveers and pedagogues, in footings of HIV /AIDS instruction and bar, and frequently non asked about their sex life or drug usage by physicians. It is a batch harder for physicians to detect HIV symptoms in an onetime(a) grownup ( HIV, AIDS, and cured Adults, n.d. ) .Because old(a) grownups may identify HIV/AIDS symptoms for the achings and strivings of normal aging, they are less likely to acquire tested for HIV/AIDS than younger people. In add-on, they may be embarrassed, ashamed, and fearful of being tested for HIV/AIDS, which is frequently considered a disease connected with holding sex and injecting drugs, which besides causes them to populate in closing off and to hold more terrible depression. For this ground, people age 50 and over may hold had HIV for old ages before being tested and by the tweet they are diagnosed, the virus may already be in its most advanced phase. Older grownups who HIV most of the fit out represent non populate every bit long as immature people who have it. Many older people who have HIV /AIDS stretch out in isolation because they are afraid to state household and friends about their un health. HIV/AIDS besides put ons older grownups in another manner. Young people with HIV/AIDS can ordinarily turn to their parents and grandparents for fiscal support and nursing aid, but many older people have cared for their ain HIV positive kids and so for their divest and sometimes HIV positive grandchildren this can be mentally, physically, and financially run outing, particularly if the individual is HIV positive because they require more tending and attention ( HIV, AIDS, and Older Adults, n.d. ) .There may besides be a connexion between HIV and climacteric. Womans who are menopausal are no long-run worried about acquiring pregnant and therefore may be less likely to expend a rubber and pattern safe sex. Some menopausal grown females besides have vaginal waterlessness and cutting, intending they are more likely to hold little cryings and scratchs during sexual interc ourse, which can set them at greater hazard for undertaking HIV. In add-on, due to the fact that cock-a-hoop females may populate longer than work forces and the lifting rate of divorce, there is an addition figure of widowed, divorced, or detached adult females get downing to day of the month since many of them do non discover how HIV is spread, they are at hazard of HIV transmittal ( HIV, AIDS, and Older Adults, n.d. ) .For many decennaries bar plans have been largely created for immature people merely a smattering has been aimed at older grownups. Simply seting images of old people on a posting or circular stating functions such as stop AIDSs, wear a rubber, or pattern safe sex, is non surge to forestall HIV transmittal among older grownups it is of instant to understand the materialization of aging and get bying with the challenges HIV impart give. Harmonizing to Ory, Zablotsky and Crystal ( 1998 ) , in cast to place older grownups AIDS-related hazards behaviours, a nd develop educational attacks and preventative schemes for modifying any raving mad behaviour, dedicated attempt is need ( HIV/AIDS &038 A Older Adults, n.d. ) .There are some challenges to HIV/AIDS bar for older grownups. The first challenge is that older grownups are less likely to add up HIV bar schemes than immature grownups. HIV/AIDS is besides rarely discussed among people of the same community. In add-on, older grownups are non suspected of drug usage, which is a large error because older grownups are merely like everybody else and do the same things as everybody else. Many older grownups frequently visual aspect marks of hazardous sexual behaviours, do non lend oneself protection, usage IV drugs and portion acerate leafs. They besides find themselves dating once more because they might be a window, separated, or divorced, and holding sex without protection. Carolyn is an old adult female who got married three times and contracted HIV, from the drug trader who was pop ulating her, by holding unprotected sex and sharing acerate leaf for drugs injections. She did non cognize about the virus until the drug trader who was live togethering with her got hospitalized and her girl found out from the physician that he was deceasing from HIV and proscribed Carolyn from seeing her grandchildren as a consequence ( HIV/AIDS &038 A Older Adults, n.d. ) .Furthermore, there is grounds that some HIV infected older grownups have gotten it through sexual dealingss with the same gender. Pat is a HIV positive older grownup who has ever known he was lesbian since he was immature he was given four months to populate when he was diagnosed but has learned to get by with the disease with the support of his household. Older grownups besides do non hold proving and instruction attempts directed to them ( HIV/AIDS &038 A Older Adults, n.d. ) .Assorted factors should be considered in bar plans for older grownups. The best plans to work are normally those that are intensi ve. They should emphasize on alteration motive, attitudes, behavioural accomplishments, self-management schemes, and personal hazard decrease problem-solving. A ripe(p) plan should besides be carefully made harmonizing to the cultural, lifestyle, relationship and prescriptive beliefs and values of clients.A In add-on, gender, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, and relationship values of clientsA are factors that affect the aims, content, and issues that must be addressed during the HIV bar plan. It is really of import to non presume that long-sufferings are non at hazard, to give bar messages to patients ( they should be reiterate at regular intervals ) , to learn other professionals to increase consciousness of the hazard factors to older grownups and work with them to propound the older grownup community. HIV infection should besides be tested when there are unexplained symptoms ( HIV/AIDS &038 A Older Adults, n.d. ) .In value to forestall HIV transmittal and inform older grownups, it is besides of import to be advised of the job older grownups and their health care suppliers are most of the clip non cognizant of the job. In 1997, Skiest and Keiser did a study of primary attention doctors beliefs, patterns, and intelligence that pointed out many concerns. One of the concerns was that 69.7 % of the doctors said that grownups, 50 old ages and over, seldom or neer asked inquiries refering HIV or AIDS. 60.8 % besides said that they seldom or neer discussed HIV/AIDS with their patients who are 50 old ages and older, and 67.5 % of them seldom or neer discussed hazard factor decrease. Some of them besides said that they are more likely to neer inquire their older patients over 50 than their younger 1s under 30 about HIV hazard factors. In add-on, doctors did non rank the most prevailing hazard factors in patients over 50 in the right order, being ( 1 ) male-male sex, ( 2 ) endovenous drug usage, ( 3 ) blood transfusion, and ( 4 ) heterosexual sex. Physi cians 40 and older were more likely to cognize the most prevailing hazard factor of HIV for older grownups. Family practicians were more likely toA seldom or neer askA older patients about hazard factors for HIV than other doctors. The study showed that primary attention doctors do non cognize hoi polloi about HIV/AIDS hazard factors in older patients and do non speak enough about HIV and AIDS with older patients ( HIV/AIDS &038 A Older Adults, n.d. ) .It is of import to speak to older grownups about the hazards of HIV/AIDS and amend them on bar. Older people frequently open up and discourse sensitive affairs, including gender, when they feel that it is of import for their wellness or the wellness of their loved ones.A However, some may be embarrassed to uncover that they are still sexually active at their age because society expects them non to be.A Those who do drugs injections may besides come across shame from making something illegal.A Harmonizing to Hendersen et Al, older adult females need instruction on reenforcing the possibility of HIV transmittal by heterosexual intercourse, clear uping misperceptions about transmittal, and stressing the effectivity and usage of rubbers in bar. Older grownups besides should be informed about proving they need to cognize when to be tested and that they can be treated. Prevention messages should besides be tell so that they can be reinforced. Giving messages one time is non plenty it may increase older grownups cognition about HIV/AIDS but it will non be adequate to alter any hazardous behaviours the some older grownups have. Older grownups should besides be helped in underdeveloped the accomplishments to forestall infection.A A They may necessitate to be taught how to decently utilize a rubber and those who use injection drug may non get it on the dangers of needle sharing. Older grownups are more familiar with the usage of rubbers in gestation bar, which is a concern they no longer hold, and do non hold ev ery bit much cognition of HIV bar by the usage of rubbers. Merely 13 % of older adult females inA Henderson et Al ( 2004 ) pursue knew the efficiency of rubbers in forestalling HIV transmittal non cognizing much about how good condom works in HIV bar may take to less usage of it. In add-on, older work forces may hold erectile troubles worsened by rubber usage, which would do them non utilize condoms.A It is besides of import to speak to HIV positive older grownups because they can distribute the disease ( HIV/AIDS &038 A Older Adults, n.d. ) .Furthermore, it is a good thing to acquire in touch with other people who besides work with older grownups and those specialized in HIV/AIDS. It is mend to work every bit group because it would increase consciousness, resources, and available information. running(a) with public wellness pedagogues will besides give more information about community instruction older grownups need to be able to reach service that can help them. Older grownu ps, particularly those who are HIV positive, will most likely need the specialised attention of an infective disease ( ID ) doctor A A other wellness attention professionals, such as gerontologists, societal workers, and instance directors most of the clip will besides necessitate to acquire involved as the disease progresses.A As a consequence of these professionals working together, attention will be better coordinated and all other demands of the older grownup patient will be met. However, sometime other professionals may non understand the hazard of HIV infection for older grownups or may believe the myths that older grownups are non involved in drugs or are sexually active. In this instance, one should learn them so that they can be portion of the bar plan ( HIV/AIDS &038 A Older Adults, n.d. ) .Dedication is needed to place HIV/AIDS hazard factors and develop a good educational and preventative plan. All messages must be made for the older population those made the younger crowd may non make older grownups because they will experience as though it does nt concern them. Older grownups will non utilize rubbers unless there are given a ground to make so. If the plan is made to aim the older population, it is more likely to increase their cognition on HIV/AIDS. It is besides a good thing to hold some plans and messages directed to different groups of older grownups. One chief group is homosexual males they are at hazard due to male-to-male sexual dealingss being the taking manner of transmittal of HIV/AIDS in older grownups. Another of import group is heterosexual adult females a turning per centum of septic adult females are African American. Womans are a large part of HIV infected aged patients and African American adult females populating in a rural scene are more affected and more likely to be infected. It is disputing to inform them of the hazards because they may non desire to listen, hence integrating the message along with other medical services will assist in making them. In add-on, some messages should be directed to older grownups traveling through different phases of life they may be at hazard because of new relationships after separation, divorce, or widowhood. It is besides indispensable to chase apart myths about older grownups because even those who work with them could believe in those myths ( HIV/AIDS &038 A Older Adults, n.d. ) .Overall, older grownups are more at hazard for HIV/AIDS due to the weakening of the immune system as people age. Older grownup besides are at a higher hazard of infection because they tend to hold unprotected sex because they are non any longer concern with gestation and some suffer from erectile disfunction, which might forget them from have oning rubbers. The chief cause of HIV/AIDS transmittal in older grownups is male homosexual dealingss and needle sharing. In order to inform older grownups about the hazards of HIV, it is of import to understand the issue and work as a squad wit h other professionals who work with them. It is besides of import to educate other professionals about HIV hazard for older grownups and chase away myths such as older grownups are non sexually active and do non hold sex. It is besides of import to direct messages to different groups in order to make older grownups more expeditiously and in order for them to memorize and retain the information better because it would do them associate better and experience as though it pertain to them.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Police service Essay

What do you think the severalize case of the patrol service is and what acquisitions do you bring to the service to execute that role?The key role of the police is to prevent twist activity to occur in ordination. This is demonstrated through and through the function of detecting criminal behaviour, investigating abomination and stopping individuals or groups that create a threat to others. Police carry out the law to provide guardty and a disposition of security. The key role of the police service is to maintain social order through the guidelines of legislations and governing policies to enable a safe environment for society to live in.I think Police service requires officers to engage in other communities, treating them as as any other. This is beca commit it is essential for officers to develop a diverse sense of intelligence for ones culture and righteousness. Police are given up powers to use discretion whilst performing their duties, this is a rattling outsta nding shot that allows officers to make decisions based on their own choice or cognition and knowing anothers religion can help to use the tool of discretion effectively.An example can be seen through the religion Sikh, where some of the Sikh religious man may wear a small sword on them. This sword is not used for trauma but it is just a religious belief for Sikhs. If police do not come any knowledge of the religion, then it is difficult for them to use discretion in a positive manner. One major cleverness that I would bring to the service is to develop a good understanding of other cultures to assist those who are struggling in the community.Australia is a very multicultural society the different in backgrounds in the police deplumate allows for interrupt communication with society because they know you have a better understanding of who they are which allows you to help them beyond just being a police officer. A key role of the police is to protect society by the use of poli ce powers under the law enforcement powers and responsibilities act 2002 such as arrest. This police power allows the officer to arrest a person either based on suspicion or if one commits an offence.This is make through police investigation whereby police may patrol the streets via walking, driving, or riding a bicycle. Police investigate crimes such as condition and enter, property theft, domestic violence, and malicious damage. By investigating and solving criminal offences in the community, the police are giving protection to others and maintaining social order. The skill that would be used effectively to execute this role is to talk to the offender about the situation and using good negotiation skills, treating him with respect or use reasonable amount of force if necessary depending on the situation. neat negotiation skills may be extremely effective when resolving disputes surrounded by neighbours or family members.This skill is in-chief(postnominal) in carrying ou t policing duties because if society is tempered with respect, you will also be treated with respect. If officers do not have the power to arrest, it would be difficult for police to keep society safe from criminals and offenders as they may re-offend. A key role of the police is to be honest, respectful and a trustworthy person. This is important because you may need to lam with officers you have never met before. For them to trust you it may be important to look at information. At all times rectitude must be told, as police matters may result in court hearings, and it is only the truth that can distinguish between whether a person is innocent or guilty.In response to this I would behave with discipline and respect those who lay down around me, if someone is wrong show them the right path to follow. This is important because you are not only looked upon by your colleagues but also others as you may be a role model for others in society. An important key role for the police serv ice is to enforce the law by following and keeping upto date with legislations. Legislations are used to assist those in society. Legislations allow us to understand the law and for the police service to follow out the required duty as a police officer through following the procedures of acts and amendments.

Monday, January 21, 2019

Learning Process Essay

Learning to frame is a complex serve well, both various(prenominal) and social, that takes office staff over cartridge clip with continued practice and cognizant guidance, is a actually complex ingeminate. there is so much meaning and context to this one quote, that understructure rattling get the writer thinking.As for myself, I agree with this quote sort of a lot only still to a certain extent. Everyone has their declare mindset, but for me I do agree that schooling to write is a complex process, individual and only some times social, and definitely does take place over time with continued practice and communicate guidance (proof shows that).To depress off with learning is a complex process, as for this part of the quote I totally agree. At times, I can spend hours, sometimes age, just thinking about how to start my essay, research physical composition, etc. and then once you finally find your thesis and actually do begin, the complexity still doesnt end.You t ake away to continue to find more details, analysis, background, and a lot of other things for whatever you might be writing. One role model of a complex paper I wrote in this English 10 class would have to be our first essay, My Sacred Grounds. I can clearly remember that it took me forever to start, to find a life hold to talk about and then to have to add details. The whole paper probably took me over a course of three to four days to just write the first draft.For the next part of the quote I only agreed to an extent of..learning to write is both individual and social. Like I said before, everyones writing process depends on themselves, but as for me I feel that most of the writing process is just individual and only social when you need it to be. Such as, when I write, I write without any help and its an all independent process, but then again at the same time its social because I write for my professors, get help from different sets of people at times like peers, the writing center, and sometimes even my professors.Lastly, once again I agree completely with the last part of the quote that learning is a process that takes place over time with continued practice and informed guidance. To just learn how to write fundamental principle it takes us, as students, years to learn. We have to go through elementary, middle, and then finally high school with the basics of learning how to write until finally in college we are slowly let go and taught to continue to learn by ourselves.Even then the learning process never truly ends, especially not for writers, you learn as you write for the rest of your life. Also, just as the quote says we learn with informed guidance meaning most of the time someone is there to take care our work like our peers or professors. Overall, writing truly is a very complex process and this quote sums it up really well

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Cypop 2

Positive relationships and communication Cyp3. 6 1. 1 Explain the grandeur of multi-agency running(a) and combine working The importance of multi-agency working and integrated working is that children in their early years may have a persona of needs, so the way we work in concert with a wide plod of different professionals can have a positive impact on childrens health, development and learning as we can make real all training is passed on effectively.Multi agency working is important because it brings together practitioners from different atomic number 18as of work to provide an integrated way of working to deport children and their families. This fits that children and young people who need additional assume have the upright professionals to support and help them as soon as they need the support and help. Integrated working is important as its main purpose is to focalization on encouraging and allowing professionals to work together to deliver positive outcomes for t o each one individual child.Integrated working allows things such as early intervention which way of life that agencies are able to intervene early into a situation forward it worsens and hinders a childs development. CYP3. 6 1. 2 Analyse how integrated working practices and multi-agency working in partnership deliver better outcomes for children disclose outcomes for children and young peopleThere are many outcomes for children that will be positive if the professionals working with the children and their families can share and agree upon the way they might assess, plan and put through for the child. Both the children and their parents can be involved in any plans to ensure that a child can achieve their potential. If the outcomes for any child are to be positive it is important that all adults involved understand what information can be shared and the importance of confidentiality.

Friday, January 18, 2019

In Africa, AIDS Has a Woman’s Face

The article In Africa, acquired immune deficiency syndrome Has a cleaning ladys Face is about how women in rural Africa play a big role in the all around living of their families and how aid and H. I. V. is affecting it. What would be the outcome of Africas future if woman were no longer able to carry the comparable duties because of the AIDS epidemic? nonp atomic number 18il of the main things is that woman in Africa ar the back bone to the families and communities in general. Women are the ones that make all the decision and do the agricultural work. As we could say it, they are the ones that keep society red ink.There are many another(prenominal) strengths in this income is coming in because of the agricultural and families are fitter for that. The indite states, When women are fully involved, the benefits can be seen immediately Families are healthier they are better fed their income, savings, and reinvestments go up (Annan 307). But the same way we can see there are stre ngths, there is similarly a weakness. Most of the people that get affected by AIDS and H. I. V. are women.The author states, A United Nations report released last calendar month shows that women now make up 50 percent of those infected with H. I. V. orldwide- and in Africa that figure is now 59 percent (Annan 307). This just means that we impoverishment to help them women especially in the prevention of H. I. V. and AIDS. From personal experiences I strongly believe women are the backbone in any family. For example, I tug care of feeding my husband and children as puff up as the women in this article. As Annan writes, Women were the ones who found alternative foods that could sustain their children in time of drouth (308). In my case, that is something I tend to do when money is tight. Educating my children in the surpass way possible, it is one of the things that I pray for over and over.Even that I am constantly letting them know what is right from wrong, as well as inculca ting our cultural Hispanic habits. Annan states, The recent United Nations report shows that H. I. V. transmission system rates in Uganda continue to decline (309). This means not altogether at that particular place, but in many incompatible passim Africa. That just shows how parents and teachers are getting more involved in the teaching method of prevention of AIDS and H. I. V. I strongly believe that the women in Africa are an essential part of living and life. In Africa, women are the ones that keep everything going for a living.I totally agree with the author on educating the children the different ways of prevention for such a bad infection same(p) it is AIDS and H. I. V. My husband donates directly out from his check to the AIDS foundation. Because I believe people should be educated on diseases and preventions. Women also are the ones that in most cases keep the families together as I do for mine. Many of the things I read on this article like how women are the core of a family in Africa to the education and prevention of AIDS and H. I. V. any these things are what we need to help on, so that Africas future wont look much more affected and dark.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Elderly Abuse Essay

aliveness format and guidance-re latelyd businesss.As part of being a human being, we ar born and we grow old as time passes and then we pass as bearing comes to an end. Part of human development is the symbolise of late adulthood. From the book Human Behavior in the Social Environment, by Jose B. Ashford and Craig Winston LeCroy, the age from age sixty until death ar considered late adulthood. At this stage of life, at that place ar many ch solelyenges that the ripenedly passel nervus. Aging comes with the exhalation of being independent, age discrimination and diminished animal(prenominal) ability. During the maturation process, there are excessively biological, emotional, intellectual, social and spiritual changes. Beside two other magnanimous challenges such as poverty and ageism, one of the biggest problems that olden mass face is elderly corrupt when they are at the point in their lives where they are dependent of someone to provide avers for them.Acco rding to the Ameri squeeze out Psychological Association, an estimated 4 million senior Ameri stick outs are victims of physical, psychological or other forms of vilification and neglect. Many the great unwashed who hear elder debase and neglect look at active sometime(a) people who live in nursing piazzas or ripened relatives who live all alone and dont pay off visitors. Being part of the counseling program, it is important for counselors to get that majority of incidents of elder insult do not happen in nursing homes or other residential settings, but rather contemplates place at their birth home with their bear spouses, children, siblings or relatives. Forms of elderly pace to be sensible of are physical abuse, verbal/psychological/emotional abuse, sexual abuse, monetary exploitation and neglect. elderberry bush abuse is practically a very tortuous problem that is caused by many reasons such as heathenish issues, stress, edict and other factors. Elder abuse affects both senior men and women from all socioeconomic groups, cultures, races and ethnicities. Bio-psycho-social develop psychical themesBio-psycho-social developmental themes affecting late adulthood is life-or-death in understanding elderly abuse. During this developmental stage, there are a lot of changes in the biological systems among this age group. Problems related to elderly physical wellness allow gradual loss of bone mass, joints are more restricted, categorization of foot problems, and arthritis which is known to affect many elderly people. Power and press forward of muscle decrease as well as strength and endurance. on that point is a dec origin in hearing and vision disadvantage. Skin gets lose weight and dryer which mention the skin more easily bruised and injured. Maintaining independence and wellness is very important in the success of someone who is in this stage of development. With the biology of aging, the elderly become physically frail which ca use others to carry off for them sometimes resulting in mistreatment and abuse.Forms of elderly abuse that affect the individuals biologically are physical abuse and sexual abuse. Physical abuse ranges from acquire slapped, shoved, beatings, kicking, pinching, burning, and getting restrained with ropes or chains. Giving inappropriate medications is also part of physical abuse. Sexual abuse among this age group ranges from inappropriate touching, forcing sexual contact, rape, anal sex and coerced nudity. It is the least physical compositioned type of elderly abuse. Sexual abuse also includes taking pictures and forcing an individual to look at pornography. These two forms of elder abuse usually cause physical problems such as signs of body bruises, bruises slightly genital areas, unexplained sexually transmitted disorders, untreated wounds, sprains, broken glaze and bloody underclothing. There are changes in the psychological system of this developmental stage that god to elde rly abuse and mistreatment.Alzheimers sickness is the most ordinary form of monomania for aging individuals. Alzheimer is literally having memory loss which is park among individuals that are in their sixty and above. Cognitive impairment increases with age and dementedness is usually one of the biggest problems that often refer to irreversible cognitive impairment that affects an individuals memory, personality, and functioning. According to the Alzheimers Association, cognitive impairment can sometimes be discovered early in individuals. When individuals are not able to recall names, forgetting words, misplacing things, having memory loss, getting lost in own street or neighbor, not knowing or forgetting chore demand to be done, they may possibly be showing Alzheimers disease or other forms of dementia. Behavioral and emotional changes occur in people with Alzheimers disease.As the disease gets worsen, those with the disease will encounter symptoms that include delusions, ag itation, aggression and uncooperative with mission. Alzheimer is a commsolely known dementia disease in which there is no cure and it gets worse as it progresses. The encounter of abuse increases in people with health issues such as dementia (Kohn and Verkoek-Oftedahl 2011). Verbal, emotional and psychological abuses are the normal abuses that elderly individuals suffered from. Signs of emotional and psychological abuse are being upset, withdrawn, and unusual dementia-like appearance such as rocking and sucking. Name calling, intimidation, threatening, isolating the individual from families and friends are forms of verbal, emotional and psychological abuse. In late adulthood, the social dimension or support system becomes smaller. majority of older adults have some family, while others do not. Family is the first line of support for older adults when they need fretting and assistance. Some older adults or elderly individuals often live with their children including grandchildre n, while others live with their spouses. It is important to know that elderly abuse is often caused by family members and the least likely to be reported. For those that do not have family and are dependent for care, they are often live in adult residential homes or care facilities where they only people they interact with are the staffs within those settings. Elderly abuse is sometimes caused by individuals blending at the care homes. Some individuals of this population experience loneliness and isolation. When an individual is isolated for no apparent reason, it is sometimes can be part of elderly abuse.Counseling Practice Assess and dodgeElderly abuse is often the result of certain societal attitudes that sum up to the madness and discrimination against older people. From the American Psychological Association, such factors that contribute to elderly abuse include the devaluation of and lack of gaze for older adults and the orderlinesss belief that what goes on in the home i s a private family matter. When societal views regarding older people as insignificant, it results in demoteure to bring in the importance of assuring support, dignity and nonabusive life circumstances for every older individual. When people outside of the family observe or suspect abuse, they may fail to intervene because they believe that it is a family problem and is none of their problems or they capacity be afraid that they are dealing with a private matter. Also, the spot of shame and embarrassment might often make it difficult for older persons or even family members to report and reveal the abuse because they dont want others to know that such events are occurring in their families.Counselors need to take into consideration of certain cultural values, beliefs and traditions that influence the family dynamics and intergenerational relationships. These differences can make the situations difficult to distinguish from abuse or neglect. One big problem is older individu als from ethnic minorities or immigrants that do not speak English and have language barriers, financial or emotional dependence that prohibit them from seeking or willingness to report abuse. It is important that anyone who works with older people in potentially abusive situations need to be sensitive to cultural differences and intervene accordingly as well as not to terminate signs of abuse. To prevent elderly abuse, counseling for behavioral or personal problems in the family can be helpful.Treating family members with substance abuse can prevent violence against aging adults in the households. In some cases, it may be a best interest to have the older individuals move to a distinguishable safer setting or having the older individuals live in nursing home if adult children are not equipped emotionally and physically to support and handle the responsibility of caring for an elderly person.When suspected of elderly abuse, counselors or any other related mental health professi onals are mandated to report elderly abuse to adult protective services as ask by laws. It is also important not let fear prevent you from reporting any suspicions of abuse taking place. It is important to know that someones life can be saved from further harms including death. pack in their late adulthood deserve to be treated with respect and dignity. They are our parents, grandparents and love ones who deserve in force(p) care and love as they have reached the full stage of their lives.Cited PageAshford, J. B., LeCroy, C. W., & Lortie, K. L. (2010). Human behavior in the social environment a multidimensional perspective (4th ed.). Australia stomach/Cole, Cengage Learning. Elder disgust and Neglect In Search ofSolutions. (n.d.). http//www.apa.org. Retrieved November 16, 2013, from http//www.apa.org/pi/aging/resources/ snuff its/elder-abuse.aspx Kohn, R., & Verhoek-Oftedahl, W. (2011). Caregiving and Elder Abuse. Medicine & Health Rhode Island, 94(2), 4749. OpenStax C ollege. (2013, July 29). Challenges facing the Elderly. Retrieved from the Connexions Web site http//cnx.org/content/m42880/1.4/ResourcesTwo Current Book ReferencesGlicken, M. D. (2009). Evidence-based counseling and psychotherapy for an aging population. Amsterdam Academic. This book is a practical guide for advanced students, social workers, clinicians or anyone in the mental field that work with elderly clients. It covers the most effective evidence-based practices for assessment and treatment of elderly clients. each chapter of the book directly addresses different range of conditions and disorders that are the most common for the elderly population such as social isolation, elder abuse and neglect, depression, anxiety disorders, terminal illnesses, dementias and so forth. It also prepares readers for conditions that they will encounter in the real world even working with or interacting with the elderly population.Wilson, G. (2000). concord old age critical and global perspect ives. London Sage. This book is about understanding old age or the elderly population. It gives readers a colossal range of issues and policies on ageing. It provides many theoretical perspectives on ageing in different societies, the trends involving aging adults and what roles should be taken by older people including those who interact with this population. The book explores migration, different health issues, pensions, the structure of family and institutional care as well as it also touches based on elderly abuse. This book is essential for students, nurses, social work, counselors and those who want further understanding of the older population in our society. Journal ArticleThompson, H., & Priest, R. (2005). Elder Abuse and Neglect Considerations for Mental Health Practitioners. Adultspan Journal, 4(2), 116-128. According to the authors, elder abused is for the most part an unrecognized problem in the United States and is often untreated. Elder abuse and neglect is s o prevalence, that not all incidents are reported. By 2030, the elderly population of late adulthood will double and it is important for mental health practitioners to be aware of intervention, different strategies, consequences, laws and the risk factors that contributed to elder abuse when working with clients. The article addresses the different types of elderly abuse and states real life problems that mental health practitioners including counselors will encounter when working with the population.Educational network WebsiteNational means on Elder Abuse (NCEA)www.ncea.aoa.govThe National Center on Elder Abuse or NCEA is directed by the U.S. disposition on Aging. According to the mission of The National Center on Elder Abuse, it is a resource for policy makers, social service and health care practitioners, the justice system, researchers, advocates, and families. The site has prevention strategies and different intervention partners that are good for different work fields such as for those working with older people in the social services, APS, Ombudsman and etc It provides many different practices that are utilised in different states throughout the United States. Local Referral Source subdivision of Health and Human Services, Ombudsman Program7001 A East ParkwaySacramento, CA 95823Telephone (916) 875-2000The Office of Ombudsman provide information, answer questions and resources to address issues. The Office of Ombudsman protects and defends a citizens rights.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Common Stock Essay

Question 1.1. (TCO D) Which of the following statements concerning common stock and the enthronization banking process is NOT CORRECT?(a) The preemptive right gives each living common stockholder the right to purchase his or her proportionate destiny of a new stock release.(b) If a firm sells 1,000,000 new shares of crystallise B stock, the transaction occurs in the primary mart.(c) Listing a vast firms stock is often considered to be beneficial to stockholders because the increases in liquidity and reputation probably outweigh the additional embodys to the firm.(d) Stockholders keep up the right to elect the firms directors, who in turn remove the officers who manage the business. If stockholders are dissatisfied with managements performance, an outside assort may ask the stockholders to vote for it in an effort to take watch of the business. This action is discovered a tender offer.(e) The announcement of a large growth of new stock could cause the stock price to fall. This loss is crabed market pressure, and it is treated as a flotation cost because it is a cost to stockholders that is associated with the new outgrowth. (Points 20)Answer d.Question 2.2. (TCO D) The City of Charleston issued $3,000,000 of eight per centum coupon, 30-year, semiannual payment, tax-exempt muni bonds 10 years ago. The bonds had 10 years of call protection, only if now the bonds can be called if the city chooses to do so. The call premium would be sixer pct of the face amount. sassy 20-year, six percent, semiannual payment bonds can be sold at par, but flotation cost on this issue would be two percent of the amount of bonds sold. What is the net present value of the refunding? Note that cities pay no income taxes, hence taxes are not relevant.Answer aQuestion 3.3. (TCO D) New York Waste (NYW) is considering refunding a $50,000,000, annual payment, 14 percent coupon, 30-year bond issue that was issued five years ago. It has been amortizing $3 million of flotatio n costs on these bonds over their 30-year life. The company could sell a new issue of 25-year bonds at an annual interest rate of 11.67 percent in todays market. A call premium of 14 percent would be unavoidable to retire the old bonds, and flotation costs on the new issue would amount to $3 million. NYWs marginal tax rate is 40 percent. The new bonds would be issued whenthe old bonds are called.The amortization of flotation costs reduces taxes, and thus provides an annual cash flow. What will the net increase or decrease in the annual flotation cost tax nest egg be if refunding takes place?Answer c(a) $6,480(b) $7,200(c) $8,000(d) $8,800(e) $9,680 (Points 20)

Monday, January 14, 2019

Public administration Essay

lessonity is a difficult term to define. The meaning, temperament and scope of cleanity learn expanded in the course of time. Ethics is intrinsic to domain nerve. In ordinary organization, moral philosophy foreshorten ones on how the prevalent executive director should question and reflect in collection to be subject to act responsibly. We wadnot simply bifurcate the two by saying that honorable motive deals with morals and value, charm macrocosm administration is slightly sues and decisions. Administering accountability and moral philosophy is a difficult task.The 1 levels of morals in giving medication atomic number 18 dependent on the accessible, economic, political, cultural, legal-judicial and historical contexts of the unsophisticated. These specific factors influence ethical motive in in the macrocosm eye(predicate) administrative governments. This Unit exit discuss the meaning, evolution, foci and bear ons of ethics. It bequeath fiddle out the different dimensions of ethics and their relevance for world administration. The significance of an estimable polity for executives will be analysed and the genius of work ethics will be discussed. This Unit will also examine the obstacles to honest accountability.21. 2 ethical motive MEANING AND RELEVANCE Ethics is a organisation of current beliefs, to a greater extent thans and values, which influence forgiving behaviour. More specific exclusivelyy, it is a placement based on morals. Thus, ethics is the study of what is mor eachy right, and what is not. The Latin origin of the word ethics is ethicus that manner character. Since the early 17th century, ethics has been accepted as the learning of morals the masters of dribble, the knowledge of benignant duty. Hence, in common parlance, ethics is handle as moral tenets that govern a persons or a groups behaviour.It includes both the science of the good and the temper of the right. The ethical impacts of ad ministration gestate been underscored widely in Indian scriptures and an new(prenominal)(prenominal) treatises such as Ra mayana, Mahabharata, Bhagvad Gita, Buddha Charita, Arthashastra, Panchatantra, Manusmriti, Kural, Shukra Niti, Kadambari, Raja Tarangani, and Hitopadesh. At the same time, ace cannot tailor the maxims on ethical boldness provided by the Chinese philosophers such as Lao Tse, Confucius and Mencius. In the Western philosophy, there argon three gallant schools of ethics.The premiere, inspired by Aristotle, h oldishs that virtues (such as safeness, charity and generosity) argon dispositions to act in authoritys that benefit the possessor of these virtues and the society of which he is a part. The second, bid to mainly by Immanual Kant, makes the concept of duty central to piety human beings be bound, from a k straightwayledge of their duty as rational beings, to succeed the categorical imperative to respect former(a) rational beings with whom they int eract. The third is the utile viewpoint that asserts that the guiding principle of stick out should be the greatest felicity (or benefit) of the greatest number (Hobson, 2002).The Western thought is full of ethical guidelines to rulers, whether in a monarchy or a democracy. These concerns be found in the books of Plato, Aristotle, Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Penn, John Stuart Mill, Edmund Burke, and others. Rawls theory of arbitrator revolves around the adaptation of two fundamental principles of justice, which would, in turn, guarantee a just and morally acceptable society. The first principle guarantees the right of separately person to collect the around extensive elementary liberty harmonious with liberty of others.The second principle states that social and economic positions are to be (a) To incessantlyyones advantage, and (b) Open to all. A key issue for Rawls is to show how such principles would be universally adopted, and over here his work bord ers on command ethical issues. He introduces a theoretical veil of ignorance in which all players in the social game would be placed in a situation, which is called the original position. Having merely a general knowledge about the facts of life and society each player is to make a rationally prudential choice concerning the kind of social institution they would enter into deal with.By crossing the players each specific in coordinateation about themselves it forces them to adopt a generalised point of view that bears a untouchable resemblance to the moral point of view. This view point revolves around moral conclusions can be reached without abandoning the prudential standpoint and posting a moral out suppose except by pursuing ones sustain prudential conclude under certain procedural bargaining. 2 The gist of wisdom on administrative ethics is that the public administrators are the guardians of the Administrative State. Hence, they are evaluate to honour public trust and not violate it.Two of the essence(p) questions raised in this context are why should guardians be guarded? And Who guards the guardian? (Rosenbloom and Kravchuk, 2005). The administrators need to be guarded against their tendency to misconceive public inte last out, promote self- take, indulge in corruptness and ca riding habit subversion of case interest. And they need to be guarded by the external institutions such as the judiciary, legislature, political executive, media and cultured society organisations. These various modes of control generate instruments of accountability. 21. 3 EVOLUTION OF ETHICAL CONCERNS IN ADMINISTRATIONIt is essential to recognise that the assure of popular judiciary has been broadly influenced in the initial stages of its appendage, by governmental Science and the science of Management. man the philosophical premises of overt presidency were influenced primarily by Political Science, its technological facet was designed by Management Scie nces. The early Political Science was taught as Moral ism and Political Economy, plot of ground its current curriculum is the product of secular, practical, confirmable and scientific tendencies of the past century.The American students of Political Science, in the early years of the travel century, were dismayed at the inadequacies of the ethical approach in the Gilded Age. As a result of their interaction with the German universities and the influence on their thought by scholars such as J. N Burgess, E. J. James, A. B Hart, A. L Lovell, and F. J Goodnow, they sought to recreate Political Science as a confessedly science. They became increasingly interested in observing and analysing actual governments. Natural and kindly Sciences substantially influenced their ideas and approaches.Later, Logical Positivism of the Austrian School influenced scholars such as Herbert Simon and hence there emerged a booming faith in exploitation a Science of Politics and a Science of Adminis tration that would be able to predict and control political and administrative life. As Dwight Waldo comments, the old belief that good government was the government of moral men was thus replaced by a morality that was irrelevant and that proper institutions and expert personnel office were the determining factors in shaping good government.The new amorality became almost a request for professional respect. The eminence of Behaviouralism until the mid-1960s further marginalised the ethical issues in the study of Political Science and Public Administration. It was merely after the climax of Post-behaviouralism in Political Science and of the accent on New Public Administration in Public Administration that the scientific methods of Behaviouralim and humanistic (read ethical) values struck a homogenous chord with administration and the gainsay among facts and values was resolved substantially.The current discipline of public administration accords primacy to the values of equity , justice, humanism, human rights, gender equality and compassion. The movement of Good politics, initiated by the World Bank in 1992, lays stress, inter alia, on the ethical and moral conduct of administrators. While the New Public Management movement is more concerned with administrative powerfulness, the New Public Administration focuses on administrative ethics in its broader manifestation.Both the movements are complementary to each other. This complementarity of foci 3 is as truer today as it was a hundred years agone when the industrial world was experiencing the rise of Scientific Management amidst a strong acceptance of the notion of administrative state. John Kennedy, during his Presidency (19611963) had averred No responsibility of government is more fundamental than the responsibility of maintaining the higher standards of ethical behaviour.The ideal-type wrench of bureaucracy, propounded by Max weber also highlighted an ethical imperative of bureaucratic behaviour . Weber (1947) obdivine serviced In the rational type, it is a matter of principle that the members of the administrative staff should be completely separated from ownership of the pith of production and administration. Officials, employees and workers attached to the administrative staff do not themselves own the non-human subject matter of production and administration.These exists, furthermore, in principle complete legal separation of property working to the organisation, which is controlled within the sphere of office, and the personal property of the official, which is lendable for his own private uses. Webers analysis underscores the need to block the misuse of an official position for personal gains. Although his ideal-type construct on bureaucracy is not empirical, yet it has an empirical flavour, for it appears to own taken into account the empiric reality of bureaucratic behaviour.From a normative angle knowing that Weber was not normative in his ideal type const ructs also, the message is transcend Dont misuse official property for personal benefit. virtually critics of real-world bureaucracies, including Harold Laski, Carl Friedrich, Victor Thompson and Warren Bennis, have criticised bureaucrats for violating the overconfident norms of moral conduct. Even Fred Riggs, composition discussing the traits of a prismatic society like formalism and nepotism points out the yawn gap between the ideal and the real in administrative behaviour.The deviations from the norms and mores have been too glaring to be ignored. Immoral behaviour thus has become an integral component of bureaupathology 21. 4 CONTEXT OF ETHICS AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE FOR reality ADMINISTRATION Ethics, whether in an entire society, or in a social sub-system, evolves over a long period of time and is influenced, during its nurturance and growth, by a variety of milieual factors. Administrative ethics is no different. It is the product of some(prenominal) contextual structures and it never ceases to grow and change.Let us now look at some of these contextual factors that influence ethics in the public administrative systems The Historical consideration The history of a country attach a great influence on the ethical character of the giving medication system. The Spoils System in the USA during the initial phase of the American res publica vitiated the ethical milieu of the American Public Administration. To victor belong the spoils asserted American hot seat Jackson. Things would have continued the same way had not a disgruntled job seeker assassinated President Garfield in 1881.Garfields assassination spurred the process of civil service reforms in the USA, and the serveting up of the US. Civil Service Commission in 1883 was the first major step in this direction. India has witnessed a long history of unethical practices in the governance system. Kautilyas Arthashastra mentions a variety of corrupt practices in which the administrators of those ti mes indulged themselves. The Mughal Empire and the Indian princely rule were also struck with the corrupt practices of the courtiers and 4administrative functionaries, with bakashish being one of the accepted nub of selling and buying favours. The East India Comp any(prenominal)(prenominal) too had its share of employees who were criticised thus far by the British parliamentarians for being corrupt. The forces of probity and immorality co-exist in all phases of human history. Which forces are stronger depends upon the support these get from the prime actors of politico-administrative system. What is disturbing is that a long legacy of unethical practices in governance is potential to prove the tolerance level for administrative immorality.In most developing nations having a compound history, the chasm between the people and the government continues to be wide. In the colonial era, the legitimacy of the governance was not accepted willingly by a majority of population and theref ore, true loyalty to the rulers was a rare phenomenon. Although the surpass between the governing selected and the citizens has been reduced substantially in the change democratic regimes, yet the affinity and trust between the two has not been total blush in the new dispensation.Unfortunately, even the ruling elite does not wait to have imbibed the spirit of emotional unity with the citizens. The legacy of competitive collaboration between the people and the administrators continues to exist. The nature of this relationship has an contrary impact on administrative ethics. The Socio-cultural Context Values that trickle the social order in a society determine the nature of governance system. The Indian society today seems to prefer riches to any other value. And in the process of generating wealth, the means-ends debate has been sidelined.Unfortunately, ends have gained supremacy and the means do not command an equal respect. A quest for wealth in itself is not bad. In fact, it is a mark of civilisational progress. What is important is the means employed musical composition being engaged in this quest. We seem to be living in an economic or commercial society, where uni-dimensional growth of individuals seem to be accepted and even valued, where ends have been subdued by means, and ideals have been submerged under the weight of more practical concerns of economic progress. fucking we change this social order?Mahatma Gandhi real much wanted to render the priority-order of the Indian society, but there were merely any takers or backers of his antecedent thinking that was steeped in a strong moral order. To put it bluntly, ever since Gandhi passed away, there has been not a superstar strong voice in independent India challenging the supremacy of teleology and unidimensionalism. Neither have our family values questioned this unilinear growth of society nor has our educational system made serious efforts to inject morality into the impressionable mind s of our youth.We have starkly failed on these fronts. The need is to evolve juvenile perspectives on what kind of the Indians we wish to evolve and how? Till then, efforts will have to be focused on the non-social fronts. The issues of morality may or may not be rooted in the ghostlike ethos of a society. Indian religious scriptures do not favour pursuit of wealth through foul means. Interestingly, Thiru Valluvars Kural, written two thousand years ago in Tamil Nadu, emphasises that earning wealth brings fame, respect and an prospect to do and serve others, but it should be earned through right means only. ordure this dictum form the basis of our socio-moral orientation? The level of rightfulness among Protestants and Parsees is believed by some to be relatively higher when compared to other religions and one can queue the roots of such integrity in the well-ingrained mores of these religions. Nevertheless, it is only one point of view, as there are several other religious an d secular groups, which are known for their high moral conduct. The cultural system of a country, including its religious orientation, appears to have played a significant social function in influencing the work ethics of its people.For instance, the stress on hard work, so characteristic of the Protestant ethics, has helped several Christian societies to enhance their per capita 5 productivity. While Judaism has valued performance of physical labour by its fol take downs, the Hindu and Muslim societies, on the other hand, have generally considered physical labour to be of lower rank than the mental work. meet ethics may or may not be linked with religious moorings. These are subjective issues but make for an interesting study.The family system and the educational system are influential instruments of socialisation and training of the mind in its impressionable years. If the values inculcated through the family and the school have underscored straighty and ethics, the impact on the brain of citizens is likely to be highly irresponsible and powerful. Legal-judicial Context The legal system of a country determines considerably the efficacy of the ethical concerns in governance system. A neatly formulated law, with a clear stress on the norms of fair conduct and honesty, is likely to distinguish chaff from grain in the ethical universe.Conversely, nebulous laws, with confusing definition of corruption and its explanations, will only promote corruption for it would not be able to instill the disquietude of God or fear of law among those violating the laws of the land and mores of the society. Besides, an efficient and effective judiciary with fast-track justice system will prove a barrier to immorality in public affairs. Conversely, a slow-moving judiciary, with a concern for letter kind of than the spirit of the law, will dither and delay and even help the perpetrators of crimes by giving them leeway through prolonged trials and benefits of doubt.Likewis e, the anti-corruption machinery of the government, with its convolute web of complex procedures, unintendedly grants relief to the accused who are indirectly help by dilatory and knotty procedures. In India, there is hardly any effective anticorruption institution. As we have read in Unit 7 earlier on in this Course, the Lok Pal is yet to be established, Lok Ayuktas are feeble and toothless agencies, while the state vigilance bodies are quiet actors. The consequences are too obvious to warrant any explanation.The Political Context The political leadership, whether in power or outside the power-domain, is perhaps the single most potent influence on the mores and values of citizens. The rulers do rule the minds, but in a democracy particularly, all political parties, pressing groups and the media also influence the orientation and attitudes on moral questions. If politicians act as authentic examples of integrity, as happens in the Scandinavian countries, or as examples of piggi sh self-interest, as found in most South Asian countries, the administrative system cannot remain immune to the levels of political morality.The election system in India is considered to be the biggest propeller to political corruption. Spending millions on the elections compels a view to reimburse his expenses through fair or foul means more foul than fair. While fair has limits, foul has none. It is generally argued that the administrative mannikin comprising civil servants at higher, middle as well as lower levels emerges from the society itself. Naturally, therefore, the mores, values and behavioural patterns prevalent in the society are likely to be reflected in the conduct of administrators.To expect that the administrators will be insulated from the orientations and norms evidenced the in society would be grossly unrealistic. The argument, propounded here, has a persuade logic, yet there can be a counterpoint that the rulers are expected to possess stronger moral fibre than the subjects. Since there are hardly any instrumentalities to protect and nurture administrative 6 morality opposite number the general social morality, such an expectation remains at the most an elusive ideal. Hence, there is an obvious need to go deeper into the problem.The behaviour of politicians has a demonstration effect on civil servants. Besides, the capacity of the less honest political masters to control civil servants is immense. It is ironical that the moral environment in a country like India is designed more by its politicians than by any other social group. The primacy of the political over the rest of systems is too obvious to be ignored. If the media is objective and fearless, its role in preventing corruption can be effective. It can even act as a catalyst to the promotion of ethical behaviour among administrators.Hence, those who own and manage the media should deduce their wider social and moral responsibilities. The trend in this direction is visible now with many television channels regularly airing their expose on malpractices in the system. This role of the media is important if performed with intent of social responsibility rather than sensationalism. The Economic Context The level of economic development of a country is likely to have a positive correlation with the level of ethics in the governance system. Even when a causal relation between the two is not envisaged, a correlation cannot be ruled out.A lower level of economic development, when accompanied with inequalities in the economic order, is likely to create a chasm among social classes and groups. The less privileged or more deprived sections of society may get tempted to forsake principles of honest conduct while fulfilling their basic needs of existence and security. Not that the rich will necessarily be more honest (though they can afford to be so), yet what is apprehended is that the poor, while making a living, may find it a compelling necessity to compromise with the principles of integrity.It is interesting to note that with the orgasm of liberalising economic regime in developing nations, there is a increase concern about following the norms of integrity in industry, trade, management and the governance system on account of the international pressures for higher level of integrity in the WTO regime. This is what Fred Riggs would call exogenous inducements to administrative change. 21. 5 ISSUE OF ETHICS FOCI AND CONCERNS An important question arises in connection with the moral obligation of an administrative system.Is the administrative system confined to acting morally in its conduct or does it also share the responsibility of protecting and promoting an ethical order in the larger society? While most of the focus on administrative morality is on the aspect of probity within the administrative system, there is a need to consider the issue of the responsibility of the governance system (of which the administrative system is an integral part) to create and sustain an ethical ambience in the socioeconomic system that would nurture and protect the basic moral values.Moral political philosophy assumes that the rulers will not only be moral themselves, but would also be the guardians of morality in a society. Truly, being moral is a prerequisite to being a guardian of wider morality. Both the obligations are intertwined. It is a truism that the crux of administrative morality is ethical decision-making. The questions of facts and values cannot be separated from ethical decision-making. Thus, the science of administration gets integrated with the ethics of administration.And in this integrated regime, only that empirical concern is valued, which respects the normative concerns in the delivery of administrative services. 7 Which are the essential concerns in regard to administrative ethics? in that respect can be a long list of values that are considered desirable in an administrative action. However, in being selective , one has to focus on the most crucial values. Let us now concentrate on the values of justice, fairness and objectivity. Woodrow Wilson, The Study of Administration (1887), in his maiden address averred that justice was more important than sympathy.Thus, he placed justice at the top of value-hierarchy in a governance system. Paradoxically, there has been a lot of discussion on the formallegal aspects of administrative law since then, but very little analysis has been made of the philosophical dimension of administrative justice. The other two issues of ethical decision-making, viz. fairness and objectivity are, in fact, integral components of administrative justice. When administrators are true to their profession, they are expected to be honest and fair and not get influenced by nepotism, favoritism and greed while making decisions of governance.Objectivity should not be misconstrued as a mechanised and rigid adherence to laws and rules. From the decision-making angle, it has u ndoubtedly wider ramifications encompassing a set of positive orientations. Currently, the notion of ethics has expanded itself to involve all major realms of human existence. Let us attempt to outline certain salient aspects of ethics in public administration. Broadly, they could be summarised as following maxims Maxim of faithfulness and Rationality An administrator will follow the law and rules that are border to govern and guide various categories of policies and decisions.Maxim of Responsibility and Accountability An administrator would not hesitate to accept responsibility for his decision and actions. He would accept himself morally responsible for his actions and for the use of his slightness while making decisions. Moreover, he would be willing to be held accountable to higher authorities of governance and even to the people who are the ultimate beneficiaries of his decisions and actions. Maxim of Work payload An administrator would be committed to his duties and perf orm his work with involvement, intelligence and dexterity.As Swami Vivekananda observed Every duty is holy and devotion to duty is the highest form of worship. This would also entail a respect for time, punctuality and fulfillment of promises made. Work is considered not as a burden but as an opportunity to serve and constructively contribute to society. Maxim of Excellence An administrator would find out the highest standards of quality in administrative decisions and action and would not compromise with standards because of devisal or complacency.In a competitive international environment, an administrative system should faithfully adhere to the requisites of Total Quality Management. Maxim of Fusion An administrator would rationally bring about a fusion of individual, organisational and social goals to help evolve unison of ideals and imbibe in his behaviour a committal to such a fusion. In situation of conflicting goals, a concern for ethics should govern the choices made. M axim of Responsiveness and Resilience An administrator would suffice effectively to the demands and challenges from the external as well as internal environment.He would adapt to environmental transformation and yet sustain the ethical norms of conduct. In situations of deviation from the positively charged ethical norms, the administrative system would show resilience and bounce back into the accepted ethical mould at the soonest opportunity. 8 Maxim of Utilitarianism While making and actioning policies and decisions, an administrator will take care that these lead to the greatest good (happiness, benefits) of the greatest number.Maxim of Compassion An administrator, without violating the prescribed laws and rules, would demonstrate compassion for the poor, the disabled and the weak while using his discretion in making decisions. At least, he would not grant any benefits to the stronger section of society only because they are strong and would not deny the due considerat ion to the weak, despite their weakness. Maxim of National Interest though universalistic in orientation and liberal in outlook, a civil servant, while performing his duties, would keep in view the impact of his action on his nations strength and prestige.The Japanese, the Koreans, the Germans and the Chinese citizens (including civil servants), while performing their official roles, have at the back of their mind a concern and respect for their nation. This automatically raises the level of service rendered and the products delivered. Maxim of arbiter Those responsible for formulation and execution of policies and decisions of governance would ensure that respect is shown to the principles of equality, equity, fairness, justice and objectivity and no special favours are doled out on the criteria of status, position, power, gender, class, caste or wealth.Maxim of Transparency An administrator will make decisions and implement them in a transparent manner so that those affected by the decisions and those who wish to evaluate their rationale, will be able to understand the reasons rump such decisions and the sources of information on which these decisions were made. Maxim of Integrity An administrator would sign up an administrative action on the basis of honesty and not use his power, position and discretion to serve his personal interest and the illegitimate interests of other individuals or groups. There could be many more tenets added to the above muniment of maxims of morality in administration. However, the overall objective is to ensure Good Governance with a prime concern for ethical principles, practices, orientations and behaviour. There are no dogmas involved in defining administrative ethics. The chief concern while doing so is the positive consequence of administrative action and not just ostensibly rational modes of administrative processes. In the following Section, a fewer of the salient concerns and foci of ethics are being dealt with briefly. 21. 6 PERTINENCE OF regulation OF ADMINISTRATIVE ETHICS.The concept of ethics has been a latecomer in the realm of public administration. For too long, doing ones duty well was considered to be an like of bureaucratic ethics. Interestingly, in the United States, the original city managers and federal code of ethics placed notable stress on efficiency as ethical concept. In the early 20th century, the perspective began to change. In 1924, the supranational City/Country Management Association adopted the public areas first code of ethics that reflected anti-corruption and anti-politics facets of the municipal reforms movement. 9.In 1958, the US Congress imposed a code of ethics on the federal presidency and in 1978, founded the Office of Government Ethics as an resultant of the Ethics in Government Act of 1978. In 1992, the Office of Government Ethics released the Federal Governments first comprehensive set of standards of ethical conduct, comprising standards pertain ing to gifts, conflicts of financial interest, impartiality, misuse of office, seeking outside employment, and outside activities. near all the American states have also promulgated their respective codes of ethics, though compared to the federal initiative, they are less comprehensive.Today, codes of ethics, ethics boards, and ethics training have been accepted as integral aspects of public administration in the U. S. Moreover, ethics education has also permeated the discipline of public administration. The National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Public Administration has made ethics education a required component of a Public Administration Programme for its accreditation and has prescribed that all introductory text-books in public administration should include a discussion on ethics (Browman, Berman and West, 2001).Eminent professional associations of public administration also offer training programmes on ethical conduct for public managers. In India, there are a few training programmes on administrative ethics offered by the Indian Institute of Public Administration and other institutions for civil servants, but there is hardly any comparable initiative taken up in the realm of education in Public Administration. The American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) had adopted in 1984 a Code of Ethics for its members (comprising intellectuals as well as practicing administrators). It was revise in 1994.Certain salient points of the ASPAs Code of Ethics are as follows Exercise of discretionary authority to promote public interest Recognition and support to the publics right to know the public business Exercise of compassion, benevolence, fairness and optimism Prevention of all forms of mismanagement of public funds by establishing and maintaining strong fiscal and management controls, by keep audits and investigative activities Protection of Constitutional principles of equality, fairness, representativeness, responsiveness and due pr ocess in protecting citizens rights Maintenance of truthfulness and honesty and not to compromise them for advancement, honour, or personal gain Guarding zealously against conflict of interest or its demeanor e. g. nepotism, improper ou.